Ice cream

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Nikki: 💯 I'm feeling myself . One my way to your place

 Seth: really? You look gorgeous but yeah, when will you be here?

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Seth: really? You look gorgeous but yeah, when will you be here?

Nikki: like in the next  4 minutes or so

Seth: wait! Don't drive and Text! I can't lose my baby

Nikki: Awwwz 😍😊
Nikki: nah I'm stuck in a bit of traffic so....

Seth: oh, well be safe.

Nikki: when am I not?

Seth: 👀💯👀
Seth: umm you're right

Nikki: you shady motherf'ker

Seth: ha! You're a wild child and you can't deny it 😉

Nikki: 😳
Nikki: before this turns into sexting, what are you up to?

Seth: whats wrong with sexting??

Nikki: just answer the question you perv

Seth: 😂 fine, fine. I'm just chilling, in my briefs
Seth: only 😉😉

Nikki: why am I with you again?

Seth: I believed you called me charming and cute and a sex legend

Nikki: I most certainly did not call you a sex legend 😑🙄

Seth: okay but you act like it and actions speak louder than words.

Nikki: you tire me

Seth: in bed 😉

Nikki: 😂😂😂 no😑

Seth: harsh. So where are you? How come you aren't here yet? Still in traffic?

Nikki: nope

Nikki: I lied I was never coming over

Nikki: Brie says hi

Seth: are you fucking kidding me?!

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Seth: are you fucking kidding me?!

Nikki: I kid you not.

Seth: but but but b-b-buh what did I do to deserve this? I thought we were good 😳

Nikki: seriously?!?!

Seth: yes seriously?! I was a kind boyfriend
Seth: I made you nice succulents ramen noddles
Seth: I massaged your feet
Seth: I brought your makeup

Nikki: the wrong brand

Seth: is that why you're mad? I'm sorry but how was I supposed to know?

Nikki: no that's not why I'm mad. But why did you think buying me 'Princess' make up for ages six and up was a good idea???? I mean really??  🤔😖😏😠😩

Seth: because you are my princess and you still have your inner child in you which I love 💕❤️💕😍💕❤️

Nikki: 😑😑 you brought it because it was the cheapest and the closest thing you could find!!! 😡

Seth: okay maybe but I'm a dude! We don't know which brand is which, your lucky I had said eye dust thingy to lady, she corrected me and told me I picked up blush? What's the difference?!

Nikki: tragic. Just tragic. Sigh. THE DIFFERENCE IS OBVIOU- why can't you be like those cute bfs who their gfs the correct brand of make- it doesn't matter, that's not why I'm mad at you

Seth: well shit!! I'm sorry for trying.

Nikki: 😑

Seth: why are you even mad at me then?

Nikki: you ate my ice cream!!

Seth: oh so you knew 😳😳

Nikki: of course I did asshole! You can't just put water back into the ice cream tube and rest my small packet cream on it and expect me not find out!!!

Seth: 😂😂😂😂 but what? I did leave you with ice cream though!!! 😂😂 it was even strawberry flavored as well 😂😂 don't you love this genius you call a boyfriend? 😘

Nikki: and you used my only strawberry location packet I was saving for good use!! It's not funny it's stupid and dis heartening !

Nikki: I got up in the middle of the night craving my frickin' ice cream only to find that.

Seth: then how were you sure I did it!

Nikki: you just confessed basically! Two because you're the only one stupid enough to do shit like that.

Seth: that wasn't stupid baby that was genius! Roman agreed.

Nikki: Roman. Is. Just. As. Stupid!! Tell him I say that.

Seth: this is too good! Im dying of laughter.

Nikki: I hope piranhas eat off your balls😡😤

Seth: then what would you play with?

Nikki: your dad's 😏😏💯😭

Seth: 😂 woman I love you so much 😘💕

Nikki: whatever. Brie is getting mad at me for constantly texting.

Seth: tell her to text Dean then. He is always happy for a female's texts

Nikki: I would not make my sister go through that.

Seth: 😂😂
Seth: buy some ice cream for me

Seth: Nikki?

Seth: you who??

Seth: oh wow you really is gonna chop of my balls later are you?

Nikki: 😊😉

Seth: well shit......

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