Mr. Fresh x PaperJam(NaJ)

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3rd P.O.V

"PaperJam, can I talk to you a sec?" Mr. Fresh, the English teacer, asked as the bell rang for home time. PaperJam looked up at his teacher and nodded while all the other students left to go back to their houses.

They waited until all the other pupils had left and they smiled at each other. PaperJam walked over to Fresh, smiling widely. He looked around, making sure no one else was there and kissed his teacher gently on the lips, blushing a light pink. Fresh didn't hesitate to kiss him back. 

They pulled away, both blushing. PaperJam giggled and sat on Fresh's desk. "So, I'm having trouble with homework. Maybe I could go round to yours and you could give me a private lesson~?" He purred, smiling teasingly at Fresh.

Fresh sighed and shook his head. "PaperJam, you're my student. It's bad enough I'm in a relationship with you, you're seventeen - I'm twenty-seven. It's a big age gap, and if I were to become that intimate with you and someone found out..." His voice trailed off and PaperJam, too sighed. 

He nodded. "I understand, Freshy. But I am having some problems with homework. Can you help me?" Fresh grinned and agreed to helping him.

"Feel free to go to my house right now. I'll give you my key, I just need to finish up work. I have a student who needs to be dealt with, and a few tests to mark. I could bring them home, though. I'll be an hour or so, anyway." Fresh handed PaperJam his key.

"Just ditch work, Fresh. I want to be with you!" He whined, clearly wanting to spend time with his lover.  He put on his best innocent face and stared up at Fresh.

"Ugh, alright Jammy. I'll let the kid off with a warning and take my work home." He smiled, who could of said no to that adorable little face? PaperJam giggled and got off the desk.

He picked up his bag and went outside and into Fresh's car, putting the keys in the keyhole(the he c c is it called?). 

Once Fresh had driven them both to his house, PaperJam texted Ink that he was going to a friend's house. 

PaperJam sat on the couch and Fresh joined him. "So, homework. What do you need help with?"

PaperJam looked confused, then chuckled. "Oh, I lied. I just wanted you to come home with me so we can do fun stuff!" 

Fresh glared at PaperJam then laughed. "You're sly. Well, what do you want to do, cutie?" Fresh snuggled into PaperJam, as PaperJam done the same.

"I just want to cuddle and do nice lover things..." PaperJam nuzzled into Fresh's chest and somewhat purred. Fresh chuckled at this and kissed PaperJam's forehead gently. PaperJam looked up, and moved his face in front of Fresh's. "Kiss me like Father kisses Dad." 

It was more of an order rather than a request, and Fresh blushed. He put a hand on PaperJam's face carefully, and it started off as a slow, passionate kiss. Fresh began to "spice things up" and licked PaperJam's teeth, PaperJam instantly opened his mouth. 

Fresh explored around PaperJam's mouth for the first time, licking the roof of his mouth. All the while, PaperJam was whimpering and quietly moaning. Fresh continued to please PaperJam, and sucked his tongue. PaperJam decided that he'd join in, too. 

They done this for about two minutes, and they both pulled away, gasping for air. Both of them, to say the least, were turned on.

"Can we get down to.. busniess, now?" PaperJam looked up at Fresh, still mildly out of breath. Fresh nodded and scooped up PaperJam, carrying him bridal style through to his room.

"I like it rough and raw, by the way." PaperJam said as Fresh undressed him. Fresh gave PaperJam a questioning look. "You're not a virgin?" 

PaperJam shook his head. "No. But I liked giving myself pleasure since you wouldn't fuck me. Now hurry up!"

Fresh finished undressing himself and PaperJam.

This was going to be a night to remember.

A/N: ayyyayayyayay, that was cringy and bad but fdkcmvedskl :/ Hope it was OkAy-ish.

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