New town, new school (edited)

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a/n: just got in my head had to write it down.

pic of nyla on the side---------------->

copyright to @Wannabeloved3

chapter 1: new town, new school.

Nyla's Pov:

I was woken up by my phone, P!nk singing f***ing perfect to me. I rolled out of bed, and headed towards my dresser. I got my clothes out for the day, then headed to the bathroom for a long hot bath. I stepped out of the bathroom and overlooked my outfit. I looked okay. With my skinny jeans, my 'I have an attitude and know how to use it' shirt and to top it all off, I wore my red chucks. I made my way down the steps, jumping the last four. Smiling at myself for not tripping and falling on my butt.

I walked into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge, I walked over to it and read:


Working, money is on the counter for food, should be back around dinner.

Love you, Mom.

I smiled my mom works so hard to keep me happy, I love her so much. I grabbed the money, then back tracked into my room for my Red hoodie. I made my way out the house to my new school, Blackwell High.

I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, I'm Nyla Grant, 17 years of life, light skinned, 5'5 in height yeah I'm short and what? I'm pretty, you wanna know something sad, I only accepted I'm pretty around my 16th. I love to read, I love Twilight TEAM EDWARD! Yet I wouldn't mind having a Jacob. I'm random get use to it, and I'm smart too. I also have some weird dreams, recently I don't know what I'm dreaming, but it all starts the same way.

I'm wearing a white dress, white flats and my Red hoodie. I have a basket in my hands, I look in it and see raw meat. I raise my eyebrows in confusion. I know somewhere in my head that I'm going to my Grandma's house. I start walking then I hear a snap, I gasp and turn towards the sound. I looked into gold eyes with gray flecks and I felt no fear. I was enchanted by the huge black wolf in front of me. I walked over to him, wanting him.

I didn't know why or how, but I wanted him. Wait it's a him right? I tilt my head to the side, to get a view and I see his member, just there! As I straighten I find my self blushing, being so thankful of my light-skindedness so you can't tell I'm blushing. I still rub my cheeks anyway.

"You're My Mate" said the wolf, his eyes burning into mine.

Then I wake up, confused. I try going on sites about 'Dreams and Means' but they were no help at all. I had the same dream every night since I found out we were moving to Blackwell. At the end of every dream I get more confused and frustrated that I can't figure it out.

I entered my new school, keeping to myself as usual. I'm a loser, I've been teased from 6th grade and up. I've come up with ways to keep me unnoticed so I wouldn't get teased, well at least not the first day. I weaved through the students as I made my way to the office. When I opened the door I made my way to the women behind the desk.

"Hey, I'm Nyla Grant, I'm new here." I said as I introduced my self to her.

"Hello dear, welcome to Blackwell High School" she said sweetly. She turned and got some papers for me. She handed them to me explaining, which one was which and what they were for. I thanked her and walked out of the office.

I walked in the busy hallway, due to the fact that the bell just rang. Great, I'm late for my first class on my first day. Wonderful. I'm starting on the right foot note the sarcasm. I looked at my schedule and got my first period room number 304. I swapped papers and looked at my map.





Where the hell is 30- ? Oh there you are! You sneaky number you!

I made my way to the stair case and started my climb up to the third floor. I went up, up and up. After the a flight and a half I was tried and yes I know I'm lazy. I took in a breath and started again this time I made it all the way to the third floor. Now which way is 304? Umm. I lifted my hand and tapped my chin. I looked left and right, then left again. I lifted my other hand and pointed left then right as I belted out:

Eenie Meenie Miney Mo,

Catch a tiger by the toe,

If he hollers let him go,

Eenie Meenie Miney Mo.

I ended up going left, and as I went further down I found that I went the wrong way. I turned and went right. I finally found my class. But I was tired from going up the stairs, walking left then right and not to mention the rhyming. I reached for the door to find it locked. I sighed and knocked on the door. The teacher came and answered it for me.

"You're late, Detention" he said coldly.

"I'm new" I said with my eyes wide at what he said, I don't want to be late to his class.

He looked at me and found what I said was true."Oh well, come in and find a seat" he told me moving a little so I could get in the room.

I walked in the room and quickly looked around the room until my eyes landed on grey eyes with gold flecks. I gasped, it was the same eyes as the Wolf's in my dream, I looked away. Maybe it was just my imagination I thought, as I made my way to a seat in the middle row. The only available seat was right behind the boy with the gold eyes and gray flecks.

As I was about to sit in my seat, I caught the scent of the grey eyed boy. Did I mention I had a strong sense of smell for a human? Well I do. His scent was mouthwatering. It sent shivers down my spine straight to my area, oh my poor underwear. As his scent filled me with want for him. No, a need for him, a moan left my lips. I was shocked, I never felt this way before. What a way to start the school year.

A/N: vote, comment, fan


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