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Disoriented and morbidly confused, the blonde raised his gold eyes to meet opal ones, and those dark orbs were staring down at him with frustration and irritation. That only upgraded his confusion, as he didn't see that he did anything wrong. "....what?" he said, furrowing his eyebrows.

The colonel sighed heavily, strumming his fingers through his hair. "Didnt you hear what I said?" Edward stared, then slowly shook his head. Roy sighed again. "I've been telling you to go home for the past two hours. Its almost midnight."

"Um...I have to get this work done," Ed answered quietly, tapping his paper with his pen. "Its due in a couple of days.."

The colonel rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna strangle you if its a day late. Go home, get some sleep." Edward hesitated; being home alone wasnt one of his favorite things; he'd rather spend his nights drowning in paperwork than being in the darkness, loathing himself and his past mistakes.

So he said, "I'll go home in a little while. I just have to finish up-"

The colonel slyly slipped away the blonde's pen from his fingers, toying with it as he said, "Fullmetal...when was the last time you had a drink?"

• • •

Edward stared morosely at his glass, filled with the bright pink colored alcohol based drink, feeling his mood dropping as the air bubbles floated to the top. His head ached from the flashing lights, the loud music, the constant shouts of the wasted colonel who brought him here in the first place.

Come to the nearest strip club, he said. It'll be fun, he said.

"Ah, colonel, I think I'll go home now," Edward muttered sourly, pushing his chair away from their table.

The colonel grabbed his arm, stopping his movements. "Don't go, Fullmetal!" he begged, his intoxicated state making his usually deep voice sound whiny. "You haven't finished one drink! We've got to go shove these singles down that dancer's underwear!"

Edward felt nauseas, just thinking about getting near the filthy stripper. He shook his head, resisting the urge to gag. "No were right, I should get some rest for work tomorrow..."

"Ahh, who cares about work!" Roy laughed. "We need to think about getting laid, you especially! Don't tell me that none of these gorgeous girls didn't catch your eye."

Edward sighed heavily. "I seriously doubt that any of these females would catch my eye." Roy gave him a curious look, and Ed sighed again. "I'll drive you home and return your car in the morning. Lets go."

The colonel glared, before he grinned, grabbing Ed's hand again but this time not letting go. He pulled the blonde closer and whispered, "I don't want to go home." His breath was filled with the scent of grapes and alcohol, and even though the smell burned his nose, he felt delighted shivers rubbing down his spine. "Fullmetal... I want to stay..with you.."

It seemed like the warmth from the colonel's hand went straight to Ed's cheeks, and he averted his gaze, almost embarrassed. He's just drunk, and that's all. There's nothing else about it, he's drunk. Edward refused to acknowledge how the colonel holding his hand made him feel.

"You're gonna regret it in the morning, now come on," Edward insisted, shaking off his hand. He grabbed the colonel by his shirt collar, pulling him up to his feet. He supported most of the colonel's weight with his own, and began leading him out of the stupid place.

Edward somehow managed to get the colonel to his car safely, toss him into the passengers side before getting behind the wheel.

As Ed began to drive, Roy sighed heavily, slouching in his seat. "I hate you," he muttered.

"Yeah, you'll appreciate me in the morning," Edward said, scowling. "This was a bad idea."

"Well, I thought you'd—"hic"—have a little fun," Roy snapped weakly. "I, you see, I—I-I-I, I had a blast!"

"Clearly." Ed scoffed. "Half naked women? No thank you." He sighed, shaking his head.

"They were hot—and hey, lemme, tell ya, that brunette one with the giant t—" Roy laughed. "I think she liked me."

Ed just shook his head again, focusing on the road and not entertaining the drunk man.

"H-hey, hey, Fullmetal," Roy said, sounding almost thoughtful in his slurred voice. "What you got against women, eh?"

Ed blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah,'re over here, dissin' women like you didn't come out of one," he accuse. "What's your problem? You sexist or somethin'?"

"No. I'm gay."

Roy gave him an almost disgusted look, and Edward clutched the steering wheel a bit tighter, grinding his teeth as he sharply looked away. "Oh," Roy mumbled, also averting his gaze. Nothing else came out of the drunk's mouth for the rest of the drive.

Ed, on the other hand, was filled with anxiety. He just bluntly came out, to a drunk, and it was worse that that drunk was his crush. He hated himself for not thinking before he spoke, but he tried to comfort himself. Roy was drunk, and intensely so. He would not remember tonight, so he wouldn't remember Ed's sexuality, so he wouldn't be able to tell anyone. Made sense, logical enough.

That still didn't make him feel much better.

Soon, Ed pulled up to Roy's home, and he exhaled, almost choking on his anxiety. He parked the car and shut off the engine, and glanced at Roy. "Well," Edward said, waiting.

"....Fullmetal...," the colonel began slowly, his voice suddenly not so slurred. " guys?"

Ed sighed heavily, annoyed. "Yes," he said.

Roy puffed out his cheeks and Ed flinched at how cute it was. "Then it was a bad idea to take you to a strip club—we could've gone to a male strip club!"

Ed laughed bitterly. "As if you'd enjoy that."

"I would—I-I'd love to see half naked dudes any day." He smirked.

Edward, not knowing if he was serious or making fun of him, ad not caring either, said, "Okay, get out now. I'll return your car tomorrow."

Roy sighed, before he suddenly reached over to Ed, placing his hand on his thigh and looking the blonde right in the eye. "Fullmetal, I want you to stay."

Blushing, Ed cringed away from his touch, staring incredulously. What had gotten into him? Surely it must be the alcohol but the Colonel's voice was just too hot and sultry to be drunk. It was like he turned in a completely different person. Ed didn't know what to say and yet..

How could he refuse?

Roy's lips curled up into another pleased smirk, knowing that Edward didn't want to say no. The blonde was filled with uncertainty, because he had no idea what he was getting himself into, but he was very willing to throw himself in.

"Will you come inside?" Roy requested, leaning towards him and never dropping his gaze.

Ed had a hard time keeping his eyes away from those opal orbs as well. "I-I don't...think I should.."

"I want you to," he said, almost too innocently. "Let me make it up to you, for being so...ignorant of your preferences.."

"C-Colonel," Ed breathed, captivated and so defenseless. He'd never felt this way, never in his entire life. "This...this isn't funny you know.."

Roy's hand began a gentle rub against Ed's thigh, making him shiver in delight and fear. "I'm not joking," he said, his eyes earnest. "You still have a lot to learn about me, Fullmetal.."


First chapter, although I'm not sure I want to finish this book. I will most certainly finish my first two, keeping this one as a side project :3 I am also angry that the cover image did not crop right with Wattpad, but I'll try to fix that!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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