Chapter 3

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My eyes snapped open as the alarm clock turned on. I slammed it shut and sighed as I looked at the ceiling. Luckily my parents were a sleep when I came back last night and they didn't knew what happened.

I hope

I pushed the blankets off and showered before getting dressed. I walked downstairs to see that no one was home. "Great," I said as I walked to the kitchen. I saw Mojo sitting on the rad wooden chair by the sink that had the window above it, "Morning, Mo," I said as I walked past him towards the fridge. "Mojo. Mojo . . ."

Mojo started to bark out the window and I sighed as I grabbed the milk and a bowl. "Mojo, come on man, it's too early for barking, okay?" I said. I placed the bowl on the table before turning around to grab a spoon and glanced outside the window to see the car parking outside.

I gasped and turned around, dropping the milk on the floor. "Crap, crap, crap, Satan's Camaro," I muttered, looking around. I quickly headed to the front door and grabbed my skateboard before running outside. I used the skateboard as the car started to follow me. "Oh man," I said. I tried to get away from it but it continued to follow me.

I was getting chased by my car!

What the hell is going on?!

I when to the parking lot of abandoned cars that no one was using for years. I glanced over my shoulder to see that the car was still following me. "Oh man," I said again, trying to get that car off of me.

I got to the other side and stopped when I saw that the car wasn't here anymore. I breathed heavily as I looked around with my eyes. Then I heard sirens and looked over to see a police car driving slowly over.

"Oh, thank god. Cops," I said before heading towards the car. "Officer! Listen!" I stood in front of the hood and looked at the cop inside, "Thank God you're here! I've had the worst day ever! I've been . . . I've been followed here and my car's right there and it's been following me here! So get out of the car!" I hit the hood slightly and the car started to push me backwards to the ground.

"Wow, wow, hey!" I yelled as I pushed myself backwards and the car followed. Suddenly the two flashlights in the front of the car moved forwards and two round flashlights moved up, staring at me like they were eyes. "Oh god," I breathed out. "What do you want from me?"

The flashlights turned back to normal before suddenly, the car changed in front on my eyes, into a giant robot. Then, it stared down at me and I stared at it in horror, "Oh god, no!" I said before getting up and I started running with it following me. "No, no, no," I said.

Suddenly, I was thrown in the air, and landed on one of the cars. I looked up at the robot, "No, it's a bad dream," I whispered. I let out a scream as it's slammed it's hands on the sides of the car I was on and then it hold the car tightly.

"Identify yourself, are you Ronny Witwicky?" It demanded. "What?" I asked. "Are you Ronny Witwicky?!" He demanded again. "Yes!" I said. "Where are the glasses?!" It asked. I quickly pushed myself off the car and the robot slammed the car, turning it up side down before running after me.

I got to the entry of the parking lot and tripped, felling to the ground. I turned around and saw the robot was getting closer to me. Suddenly, my car came in, making a turn and tripping the robot. My car turned back to me and opened the passenger seat. I hesitated but climbed in before it drove me away.

I looked behind to see the robot changed back into the police car and it was driving after us. "Oh my god," I breathed out and looked back forwards. "Faster, faster." The car turned down into an abandoned area filled with abandoned warehouses and weaved left and right, trying to lose the police car.

I looked out the window to see the car was still chasing us. My car changed it's directions and drove straight at one of the warehouses windows. "Oh my god!" I screamed.

The car drove faster and jumped through the window, shattering it into pieces. I looked back behind to see the police car jumped through the window as well and followed us.

My car zoomed through the warehouse, crashing through things. "Oh my god!" I screamed as the car did a turn.

The police car did the same and the Camaro sped out of the warehouse. It drove down the empty street and backed up into an empty, dead end alley way. When the Camaro came to a halt, the locks went down, locking me in.

"No, no, no," I said, trying to pull the locks up but it didn't work. I leaned towards the driver seat, trying to start the car but it wouldn't budge. "Come on, come on," I muttered before looking out the window to see the police car passing by again, but this time it stopped.

I panted, shaking my head, "This can't be happening to me," I said. The car keys turned on their own, "Time to go," I said before I heard the car's back tires screeched, getting the police car's attention.

The Camaro floored down the alley way, behind the police car, and down the street but the police car was still chasing us. The Camaro drove into an empty field and did a half U-turn, the passenger door opened and thrown me out onto the field.

I looked up as the Camaro transformed as well to the robot I saw last night. I got up and backed away as the police car came roaring down the field and transformed again, launching itself at the Camaro and sent them both tumbling down the field before it tossed the Camaro away.

I crawled backwards when the Police car walked towards me as it's arms changed into sharp spikes, spinning circular saws. "Oh shit," I muttered. The police car opened it's chest and a much smaller, but equally gruesome looking robot jumped out and started growling at me; it was covered in sharp spines and spikes.

"No, no, no, no," I muttered, backing away more before starting to run. The Camaro jumped into the fight and blocked the police car from going after me and leaving only the smaller sharp robot chasing me.

I ran as fast as I could in a random direction, trying to lose the smaller robot but it just kept popping up. Suddenly I tripped by something and turned to my side to see it the robot crawling up to me. I let out a scream before pushing it off. I got up and ran away but it kept chasing me. I found a saw and grabbed it before turning it on. The robot's blue eyes grew wide and before it could ran away, I cut it's head off.

It wasn't dead but it wasn't a threat anymore.

I sighed, "Not so tough now, huh?" I said before kicking the robot's head, sending it flying across the field and out of sight. I panted before rushing back to where the Camaro was fighting the police car.

I stopped at the bottom of the hill as I heard giant footsteps and waited. I let out a breath of relief when I saw it was the Camaro robot as it walked towards me. It stood at the top of the hill and looked at me with what looked like, proud and it placed it's hands on it's hips.

I took a few steps forwards, "Can -- Can you talk?" I asked. "XM Satellite Radio . . . Digital cable brings you . . . Columbia Broadcasting System . . ." It said through the radio.

"So you . . . You talk through the radio?" I asked. It clapped it's hands, "Thank you, you're beautiful," It said through the radio, pointing at me, "You're wonderful, you're wonderful."

"So, what was that last night? What was that?" I asked. It looked up at the sky, pointing, "Message from Starfleet, Captain . . . Throughout the inanimate vastness of space . . . Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!"

"Visitors from heaven? What . . . What are you? An alien?" I asked and it pointed at me as I was right. Then it fell down onto all fours and transformed into the old Camaro. I stared in shock as the passenger door opened, "Any more questions you want to ask?"

I let out a breath and bit my lower lip as I walked to the car. I climbed in and closed the door before the car drove by itself away but stopped so I could go and grab my bag. I climbed out and grabbed my bag and phone that was beside it before climbing back into the Camaro and it drove me off.

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