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3rd person P.O.V
MC sat in her apartment alone while waiting for her best friend Saeyoung to come and pick her up for an outing with the rest of their friends. Little did Saeyoung know, MC had feelings for him. All of the rest of their little group knew about these feelings and that she planned to confess to him after the rest of them left. She sat contemplating her decision to confess today as Saeyoung pulled up to her apartment.

MC's P.O.V
    I was deep in thought as Saeyoung pulled up in front of my apartment. I didn't notice the any texts he had sent me to tell me that he was outside. I finally broke out of my trance when he called. I immediately grabbed my purse and walked out the door to his car. "Hey MC, What's up?" he said with a happy tone of voice. "Nothing much. What about you?". "Eh, same stuff as always. Vanderwood threatening to taser me if I don't get to work. Shall we head off?" "Yeah. Let's go." We headed of to the café to meet with the rest of the RFA. When we got there the only ones there were Jaehee and Jumin. I went up to the two and asked if they had seen or heard anything from Zen or Yoosung. Neither of them had heard anything from Yoosung, but Zen texted Jaehee and told her he would be a bit late because of rehearsal. We went ahead and picked a table to sit down at and wait on Yoosung. After about a good twenty minutes later, Zen came in and asked where Yoosung is. We all said simultaneously that we don't know. About an hour later Yoosung came running into the café only to be bombarded with questions as to where he was at. He answered with only one word, class. Zen immediately jumped up and yelled at him. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US THAT YOU HAD CLASS WHEN WE PLANNED THIS! I AT LEAST SAID SOMETHING ABOUT MY REHEARSAL!" This made Yoosung flinch and respond with "I'M SORRY, OK!" The poor child sat down at the table with the rest of us and he kept silent for a good ten minutes. We all started to talk about the next party which was to be held in about a week. The topic of potential guests came up and I just let a major sigh escape my lips. I still have the responsibility of handling the invitations and emails from the party guests since I did so well with the last party. "So MC, how many potential guests have you gathered so far?" questioned Saeyoung. I replied back with "About 10. Any recommendations?" "Actually, yeah. There's this group called Hackers chasing hackers and their most recent target is me. Mind throwing them off for me?"Saeyoung replied with a mischievous tone to his voice. "Isn't that a bit dangerous? I don't want you getting hurt or worse killed." I said with worry. "Nah, if you throw them off, they won't know a thing about what I look like or even my real name!" He said. "Alright, if you really want me to, I'll consider it." I said in defeat. He then smiled as bright as the sun" YAY! Thank you, MC!" he said while hugging me super tight. "Guys, back to the original subject." interrupted Jumin. "Hold that thought, Mr. Han. I'm going to get me another cup of coffee." said Jaehee. "I think I'll join you." I said to her, leaving the guys behind. Knowing them, when we get back, Zen and Jumin will be arguing over something and Yoosung will be yelling at Saeyoung for pulling a prank on him while Saeyoung laughs hysterically. When we got up to the counter, Jaehee ordered a vanilla cappuccino and I ordered a (f/c/d). We both got our drinks and headed back to the table when we heard a small crash and a certain red-head's laughter. Jaehee and I both sighed as we knew exactly what had occurred. As expected, Saeyoung had pulled a prank on Yoosung. When we reached the table we saw a laughing Saeyoung, A distressed Yoosung, an embarrassed Zen and Jumin, a HUGE mess of sugar and with an empty container and a spoon. "Saeyoung! What did you do this time?" I asked. All he did was keep laughing. "Zen, What happened?" I questioned. "Saeyoung here thought it would be funny to have Yoosung make a mess with sugar, so he took the lid off of the container and asked Yoosung to take a spoonful. With Yoosung being so naïve, he fell for it and spilled the sugar all over the table."  Zen said sounding annoyed as ever. "Saeyoung, you can be a complete idiot sometimes." Jaehee told him. "I know!" Saeyoung retaliated. "We should probably do our best to get this cleaned up." I said. "OK..." Said a disappointed Saeyoung. After the mess got cleaned up, Jaehee and Jumin went ahead and left for an afternoon meeting, Yoosung went to his afternoon class and Zen went to a meeting with the director leaving just Saeyoung and me. Now is my chance to tell him how I feel. "Hey Saeyoung? I have something to tell you." I said nervously. "What is it, MC?" He questioned. "I, have feelings for you. I've never felt this connected to anyone in the RFA as much as this." I said with a growing blush on my face. "I have feelings for you too, MC. I was just afraid that you wouldn't return them because I can be quite dangerous with my job." He said with his face as red as his hair. "I love you, Saeyoung" I said as I hugged him. "I love you too, MC."

970 words

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