Zonaldor's Thoughts

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"What's up, Tom?"
"It's Berry. He.. He was up all night thinking of ..."
"Oh.. Do you mean 'D.D'?"
"That's so furious.."
"Please proffesor, he won't stop thinking about him."

They reached the room terrified looking at my body that was lying on the bed without movement...

"Berry, Berry, wake up!!!!" Zonaldor shouted in my ear.
"What shall we do now professor?"

At this second Lorein entered the room, and started shouting at Tom.

"What's going on Tom?"
"Don't know, believe me, I came and found him like that."
"Shall we bring Pr. Pat?"
"No! He didn't want that."

Lorein opened her mouth to spit up letters but then my body started responding to the fight that was going on in my vision. It turned out to be a real fight.

My body started shaking and I was moving so much and shivering as "Harry Potter" did when he was being possesd by "Lord Voldemort".

"What's happening?" These were the words which went out my mouth directly after I was sitting on bed after being waken up shocked.

"Mmmmm...." Tom hesitated, so did Lorein.
"Listen, Berry, you'll need to go to Pr. Pat, he'll teach you how to control your thoughts, for maybe "D.D" will come early."
"No, Professor Zonaldor, DunkenDul won't come, he won't"
"I fear that this is the truth."
"No, we will be ready to fight him, just leave it up to me.."

Berry Shulter (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now