The Cold Palace

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  She spent the first few weeks in aimless exploration. Wandering from pavilions to terraces, from empty rooms to echoing halls. For the first time in her life, Li Zhen is well and truly alone.

  Strangely enough, despite the ominous name, her new residence is actually quite warm and sunny. Oh, terribly neglected, for sure. And the riot of overgrown vegetation creeping over the abandoned and ownerless Palace remains far too much for one lonely soul to tackle.

  But, kind Heaven granted small mercies. Upon closer observations, a few of the smaller gardens yields bountiful treasures. Legacies of past residents, no doubts. With careful planning, she might even be able to survive.

What a curious fate.

  Oh, this honestly would be a horrible fate to befall upon any other concubine from the Imperial Harem. Carefully raised in brocades and jade, never tasked with anything harder than preening themselves.  And striving to outshone others in the art of being seen as a 'Beauty' and meriting the praise for being 'Accomplished'.

  But for Li Zhen, who had lived on the run before ending up serving in the frontier garrison, this 'deadly sentence' is the lightest yoke to ever befell her.

  By the end of the third month of her punishment, she had managed to coax the garden of her choice to bring forth new life. All those delicate maneuvering, careful transplanting and diligent overseeing proved to be fruitful.

  As she celebrated this small triumph, eating outside and enjoying the moon, this new life  seemed to be easier to get used to.

  The small flame in her heart, that was almost smothered by the death of her son, the failure of her marriage to Murong Jūn, and the sordid intrigues that had destroyed her standings in the Imperial Harem, flickered to life, shinning brightly once more.

  She is Li Zhēn, daughter of Li Chong, a decendent of the Wanyan Clan, and the Young General of the Northern Garrison!

No one is worth destroying herself over!

Living, and living well is the best action to take!

  Buoyed by these affirmations, she resolutely stood to face the Moon and began to sing the folk  chantings of the Northern Garrison. Her voice, long unused, cracked and wobble before regaining strength to shout the fabled northern stubbornness to the Moon.  Unbroken, unyielding. Uncaring whoever might be listening. Let them all know that this  Li Zhēn is still alive!

  Hidden from her view, on top of a tower pavilion, a body clad in the Dragon Robe turned away. Shaking hands were clenching tightly to each other behind his back, hiding the tremors. The steps climbing down the tower were slow, as if the owner carried a heavy burden. And Li Zhēn's song accompanied him, until he was too far away for the still night's air to carry her voice.


  "Cai Gonggong!"

  "Servant is here!"

  "Made certain-sure, any that should be allocated, must be received whenever needed. No one is to be careless! Punish all who dared!"

  "Servant listened and obeyed!"

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