Does High Wireless Speaker Power Efficiency Imply High Cost?

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I will look at the term "power efficiency" that informs you of how much wireless loudspeakers waste to help you decide on a set of [ outdoor wireless speakers]. The less efficient your wireless loudspeakers are, the more energy is going to be squandered which leads to several issues: Low-efficiency wireless loudspeakers are going to squander a certain amount of energy as heat and so are more expensive to use than high-efficiency types due to their greater power consumption. To safeguard the circuit components, low-efficiency cordless loudspeakers must find methods to remove the heat which is produced. Normally more components must be included in order to radiate sufficient power and maintain the optimum working temperature. These elements usually are heat sinks as well as fans. These heat sinks use up a reasonable amount of space and make the cordless speakers bulky and heavy. Further, they add to the price of the wireless loudspeakers. To help radiate heat, low-power-efficiency amplifiers need enough air movement. So they cannot be placed in places without any circulation. Furthermore, they can't be installed inside water-resistant enclosures.

Cordless speakers that have small efficiency have to have a bigger power supply in order to create the same amount of music power as high-efficiency types. An elevated amount of heat brings about further stress on elements. The life expectancy of the wireless speakers might be reduced and dependability could be compromised. High-efficiency wireless loudspeakers in contrast don't suffer from these issues and can be constructed really small. The power efficiency is shown as a percentage in the wireless speakers data sheet. Analog Class-D amps provide a power efficiency of approximately 25% while switching-mode amps provide as much as 98%. Getting an amplifier which has an efficiency of 90% as an example shows that 10% of the power that is utilized is squandered whilst 90% will be audio power.

Please note, however, that efficiency depends upon just how much power the amplifier delivers at a given moment. Amplifiers have greater efficiency when providing greater output power than when working at low power due to the fixed energy that they use up irrespective of the output power. The efficiency value in the amp data sheet is usually provided for the maximum amplifier output power. To determine the efficiency, the audio energy that is consumed by a power resistor that is attached to the amp is divided by the overall energy the amp utilizes while being fed a constant sine wave signal. Usually a complete power report is plotted to show the dependence of the efficiency on the output power. For this reason the output power is swept through different values. The efficiency at every value is tested plus a efficiency graph created.

Wireless speakers that use switching-mode amps have a switching stage that leads to a certain amount of non-linear behavior. Thus wireless speakers that use Class-D amplifiers generally have smaller music fidelity than products utilizing analog Class-A amps. Due to this fact you will have to base your decision on whether you need small size and minimal energy consumption or maximum music fidelity. However, digital amps have come a long way and are providing better music fidelity than in the past. Wireless speakers that employ Class-T amps come close to the music fidelity of products that contain analog amplifiers. Due to this fact selecting a couple of wireless loudspeakers which use switching amplifier with great music fidelity is now possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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