Demonio x Reader

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My laziness is taking over me. But i'm alive c: Since it's weird calling someone Demonio we'll just call him Ciel since it's his real name...


"Oh well look who it is.. A wonderful day isn't it?" 

You heard a muffled voice behind you. You saw a flash of silver hair flow in the corner of your eye.

"Fucking hell. You scared the crap out of me!" You screamed.

"Oh I did? My bad."  Ciel said.

Since he has a mask on it's kinda really hard to tell if he was smiling or not...

"Uh.. Why are you here anyway?" You asked.

"Just admiring something in particular." He said.

"And that is?" You stared at him.

"I don't know. Why don't you take a guess~" You heard him give a slight chuckle.

"The weather? The nice view? Uh... Yourself- Wait.." You stopped.

"Now why would I want to admire myself?" Ciel tilted his head.

"Coz' your beautiful...." You muttured.

"Why thank you." Ciel said suddenly behind you.


"You sure like to scream." Ciel calmly said.

"If you hadn't guessed already, I was admiring-...." He paused for a moment.

"Finish your sentence.." You impatiently said.

"You....." He said. You stared at him. Wait what. Me? He said "You.." HOLY SH-

"Stop messing with me." You looked at him.

"I am not. I am honest to my words. Lu doesn't like it when I lie... She is very scary when she's mad." He said.

"Uhm. I don't know what to say." You just stared at him some more. And then you looked at the ground.

"You don't have to say anything in particular." He said. Not the slightest hint of a blush or embarrassment in his voice.

"Aren't you supposed to be babying Lu or something..." You said.

"She is busy. She told me to take a break for a while. As a butler I must do as she says." He explained.

"I know that a butler has to uh do everything his master says, but why come to visit me?" You asked.

"Nothing, nothing. I just felt like coming to visit you."

"I see....."

"Oh dear. Would you look at the time." He grumbled. "I must go. Lu will be needing me in 10 minutes."

"O-oh okay.." You quietly said. Was this disappointment? No way. But you did want him to stay longer. 

"I'll see you later then?" He asked getting ready to teleport away.

"Yeah.. Yeah later..." You smiled.

"Okay then!" He said as blue flamed enveloped him. "Take care. Bye"

And he vanished.

"Bye..." You waved at the place where he was just standing.



Soz for being unactive. :P

Anyway. Maybe a part 2 will be released soon? Idk. Hopefully you'll like this. Or not that's cool.



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