(27) Revenge

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Negan's POV

   Simon pulled me by my arm, dragging me to safety as bullets ricocheted around me. Tears were burning in my eyes as I sat there, my ears ringing and my heart racing. Simon was screaming orders and grabbed me by the collar of my jacket.
     "Look, I know how much you loved her. We all did. I know you want justice for what happened to her, but hey—" He turned my head towards the dead woman on the ground, blood pouring from the wound in her head, covering her features, which were slowly twitching. "You killed the one who shot her. It's over."
    "No. It's not over. Gather them up." I raised up, and hid behind the cover of the sheets of metal and began firing, not caring who was hit. Dwight pulled back the crossbow and shot an arrow, it piercing Rick in the side.
    "Rick!" The widow screamed, tears streaming down her fragile pale face.
     "Kill everyone but her and Carl." I ordered and Simon nodded, waving his hand for my men to move up. They began pushing through, filing into the open gate. Corpses laid around, their blood seeping into the earth as I looked at every face, they were all twitching. Soon enough, it wouldn't mean we were just fighting with the living, the dead would join as well.

Daryl and another man began running towards the rows of trailers, Rick's limp body in their hands, as I watched Rick whither in pain, I couldn't help but crack a smile. The bullets being fired at us began to lessen as more people were being slaughtered. If Alice were here, she'd be ashamed of me—to hit them while they're down, but because of these pricks, she's not here anymore.
    "Fall back!" Someone screamed as the sounds of growls sounded like thunder, they began pouring into Hilltop, eager for someone to eat. I nodded to Simon and he fired a flare into the night sky, sending a beam of red light above us, drawing walkers and letting my men know it was time to go. We began firing our covering shots as we began running to the gate, leaving the Hilltop to deal with the herd that was flooding in like someone had rung a dinner bell.
     "Go! Go! Go!" Simon yelled as I took off, hitting a stray walker with Lucille and climbing in the truck. My men began to pile in and Simon began backing up, speeding away from the Hilltop. In the rear view mirror I could see a cloud of smoke billowing into the air, it was burning to the ground.

  Rick's POV

   I groaned as Daryl laid me on a stale mattress, tearing off my shirt and looking at the arrow.
      "This happened to me before. I know what to do." He shoved a rag in my mouth and began to tug at the arrow, I bit into the cloth as I yelped in pain. The pressure disappeared and I felt my blood soaking my skin. The door opened and Maggie appeared, a worried look on her face and tears rolling down her face.
     "We need a suture kit, some gauze and bandages." Carl nodded and took off, soon returning with what Maggie had asked for. She washed her hands and shook the water off, tearing open the suture kit and apologizing as she began to dig the needle into my hip, causing me to try to buck my hips.
     "Hold him down." She said between clenched teeth as she continued to stitch me up, the pain was worse than I expected, making my vision blur and to see red.
     "He's dead." I muttered before passing out.

    When I opened my eyes, I was alone in the small trailer.
      "Carl?" I called out, coughing as I leaned up and began heading towards the door. "Michonne?" I winced as I stepped outside and saw Negan, pacing around with Lucille on his shoulder and his smile.
     "Rick! Look everybody it's Rick!" He laughed maniacally, leaning back and taking a deep breath. I held my throbbing side and began walking towards him, keeping my hand on my gun, ready to pull it out.
"You've made your point. This is over." I growled and he smirked.
"No, you're wrong. This is not over, not until I say it is." He began chuckling, walking with Lucille in his hand, hovering over the people on their knees. I noticed that two people were missing, Maggie and Carl.
"Carl?" I shouted, scanning the land, trying to see if I could see him.
"Rick, come on." Negan said, Simon pushing me from behind, causing me to land in the dirt. Out of nowhere, a bullet pierced Simon's shoulder and Jesus stood up, taking out the knee of a savior and grabbing his gun, laying down covering fire. My heart began to beat out of my chest as I pulled my gun out, shooting towards the saviors, aiming my shots towards Negan, who was returning the fire. He slowly began to head towards the gate, somehow dodging all the bullets that came this way. Daryl emptied a full clip towards him and grunted as he threw the gun and began running towards Negan, picking up a gun laying on the ground and began firing, men began to surround him and I could hear someone scream his name.

A gun was placed right on my spine as we walked, Carl looked around, trying to see if we were still in line of sight of the hilltop, we weren't. Carl bit the inside of his cheek and turned, pulling the gun away from me and the man punched Carl, sending him into the dirt, blood seeping from his nose. I kicked the man's knee and he screamed in pain and I picked up the magnum and didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
    "Are you okay?" I helped Carl up and he groaned, holding his nose as we began to walk back towards the Hilltop.

   The gates were wide open and gunfire echoed, I could see Daryl running full speed towards Negan, knife drawn, ready to pounce. A bullet pierce him but it didn't slow him down he tackled Negan and Rick began running towards the two.
     "Come on." Carl nodded as we took off, going around the back of the hilltop and heading into the secret entrance.
   "What now?"
       "Go hide."
"You can't be serious."
     "Carl. I'm serious. Go." He sighed and took off towards one of the trailers, as I headed towards the front, desperate to see what was happening.

     Daryl was yanked off of Negan and thrown into the dirt, he groaned as he held the bullet wound in his lower abdomen, his breathing short and rapid, he blinked a few times, not taking his eyes off the sky. Negan pulled himself off the ground and we were face to face, my anger was boiling through me, making it hard to see straight. His mouth moved, but all I could hear was the loud ringing in my ears. All of the sudden he grabbed me and a sharp pain shot through my leg, causing me to yell out.
     "I'm a man of my word." I said as my hands gripped my knife and I drug it across Negan's throat. The entire atmosphere changed, his men seemed defenseless, like without Negan, they didn't know what to do. He fell to the ground and held his throat, and as he began to slip out of his consciousness, he said, "Hi, Princess."

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