1. black flowercrown

355 23 25

I know its not a good  title but ehhhh.

Pastel Amy x punk Signe

Dark blue roses sat still in the clear white vase that was sat upon a soft light brown wooden bedside table

Right next to it laid two girls.
Those two girls seemed to be the complete opposite, one liked soft colours while the other liked dark colours.

One always wore pastel, the other wore dark colours.

One had a welcoming aura, the other had a scary aura.

But yet they fell in love with one another.

Oh how one was so oblivious to someone flirting with them while the other was fuming with jealousy.

They loved everything about each other, they may be different but that's what brang them together.

Now sleeping in one another's arm the blonds eyes opened to reveal shiny brown eyes, an arm ( that was not her own ) was wrapped around her waist.

The brunette that  laid behind the blond was softly snoring, that noise Amy loved to hear every morning.

Amy's eyes ventured to the side table, there laid one of her most precious memories.

Two golden rings laid

Those rings
Signified there
Love for each other.

The ring that
Laid so perfectly on the
Couples ring fingers
As they
Were a loving
Married couple

Short and sweet

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