☯ Tres ☯

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♥ Emilia's POV ♥

I set my bags down next to my bed downstairs. I loved the way the room looked it blew my mind how fast and good it was. I sat down on the bed and scrolled through twitter. 

An hour later someone knocked on the door and it was cheo.

" Hey Emilia, like the new room? " He said to me coming to sit down on the bed

" Yea it's nice I really like it, I love the decorations in it I was gonna start decorating but looks like you guy's have done it. " I said to him sitting up

" No worries I decorated all of it for you Tommy helped with some of it, " he said to me

" Thank's sweet of you. " I said to him

" No problem, when Tommy showed me who you were I wanted to get to know you, " he said to me

" Oh, I'm open to all my fans you can ask anything. "

" Nah, not right of me, " he said to me

" I mean if you wanna get comfortable you can. " I said to him

" It's okay, it's just that when I had a one on one skype call with you I felt a connection. " He said to me

" Awee, you have a crush on me. " I said to him smiling

" I mean you can say that I didn't want it to come off that way. "He said to me laughing

It kind of got awkward at that point and all I remember is me leaning in for a kissing and us making out for 5 minutes and then taking our shirts off and me lying on him. I grab his pants button and take them off. I take my pants off and we continue to kiss and he grabs my ass and I grab his dick. I pull his dick out of his underwear and shove it in my pussy. We began fucking and going in different positions. I moan loudly luckily no one can hear us. Then after the 50 minutes of sex we had, we got under the sheets and I feel asleep under his head lying on his chest. I fall asleep and feeling him kiss my head. I love him.....

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