The letter

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Had I read any more of his love letter I would have died. It was too sweet. The writing was perfect. The expressions, all the hearts and even how it was folded. It was all just like him. I looked up to see the boy, nervously glancing places and trying to find a distraction. "Yugo... I-" I start but that's when I'm punched into a locker door. Apparently Amailia finally wanted to get rid of me. Yugo yelled trying to get them off of me but when he finally succeeded I was hardly breathing. "What the HELL is wrong with you!?!" He shouts at the notorious attacker and quickly takes me to the nurse. Before opening the door, I place a small kiss on his cheek and he goes a dark red while entering the room. "Oh!" The nurse seemed to try and grasp words but she couldn't seem to find the words. "L-let me get my things!" The nurse ran around gathering her medical belongings trying to check if I'm okay. "Who did this?!?" The nurse asks and Yugo instantly responds. "One of Amalia's goons," I stay silent and I could here footsteps and I could tell it was the principal, Yugo's dad, Alibert. He opened the door only to have the same reaction that the nurse had. Adamï was also with Alibert and he came rushing in asking if I was alright. All I could to was nod, because I was too afraid to say anything. Alibert looked serious and I could tell he had heard Yugo shout the word 'hell,'. Yugo looks at Alibert and instantly says, "it's not like I didn't have a reason!" Alibert' face turns from slight anger to a large smile. "At least you had a reason," Alibert speaks with a hearty laugh and then everyone in the room starts to laugh nervously.
"So who's been doing the beating this time?" Alibert asked and the nurse explained while his facial expressions changed. Eventually Alibert fully knew what happened and he looked like he had made a bet with Yugo, and Yugo won. "Let go find Amalia and her goons. Yugo stay here with (Y/N). Nurse, come with me," Alibert spoke in a whole different tone and then he, Adamï and the nurse left.
Yugo looked slightly embarrassed. "Im sorry. I should have asked you in the middle of school," I tried to laugh and successfully made sounds of laughter, also managing to speak. "It's fine. I don't think I could have imagined it any other way, to be fully honest," I say as I place another small kiss on his cheek, causing him to turn a dark shade of red.

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