Oliver x reader

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This wasn't a request, just thought I would write one😀

You were playing in today's quidditch match. You were Y/N Weasley. You loved danger like Charlie, you loved pranking people like Fred and George, and you loved quidditch like the whole lot of the Weasley family. You were in your 5th year, Harry Potters 2nd year. Your new boyfriend Oliver wood was playing also. You both play for Gryffindor. You set off, you were a chaser, which meant you had to score. Charlie and bill came to your game because mum and dad couldn't as they had a lot of work. You went right past Marcus flint and scored. " good job Weasley!" He smirked. " thanks?" You said confused. Usually he was horrid to you. You played well for the first half and took a break, when Marcus Flint came up to you. " alright Weasley?" He Asked. " what is it Flint?!" You said with anger as you were sweating. " you want to go to hogsmead next Saturday?" He asked. " Flint, I'm dating Oliver wood, you didn't know this?" You asked, you were sure everyone except bill and Charlie did. " yeah I know, but you want to ditch him and go out together" he said putting a hand on your leg.

Oliver POV

I was going to tell Y/N how well she played in the first game, when I saw her talking to Flint. I hate him with an absolute passion. He's always wanted Y/N and now that I've got her, he wants her even more. He put his hand on her leg and my blood boiled. She looked really uncomfortable. I walked over and punched him square in the face. He fell and everyone in the stands gasped. " and down goes Marcus Flint!" Shouted Lee Jordan. " Jordan!" Shouted maGonagall. I fell. And looked up to see Flint with a look of anger on his face. " she will go to hogsmead with me" he growled. " no she won't" I said lunging towards him.

Your POV

Then Oliver tackled him to the ground. Fred and George ran over incase you were hurt. They were punching and kicking the life out of each other. Until professor mc Gonagall and professor Snape came down. " stop at once!" Snape yelled. He grabbed Flint while Fred and George held Oliver back. The two were breathing heavily. Charlie and Bill were now down beside you. " what caused this?!" Asked George. " he just attacked me!" Said Flint. " detention wood" mc Gonagall said. Flint sniggered. " you too Flint!" Said Snape dragging him away by his ear. " I'll see you Saturday" he smirked at you. " no you won't you little-" Oliver was cut off by mc Gonagall. " WOOD!" She screeched. She walked away, leaving Oliver panting and breathing heavily, glaring at Flint. " Oliver what did you-" you were cut off by his lips dipping down to capture yours in a passionate kiss. Your 4 brothers stood there shocked. " what the hell?!" Shouted bill. " yeah why are you snogging our baby sister?!" Screamed Charlie. " there dating morons" said Fred and George. " what?!" They said together. " we're dating" you said. " you didn't know?!" Said Fred laughing. " they've been getting caught snogging for like months!" Said George. " okay that's enough" you said smacking the twins in the head. " now we've got a game to win. This is our last chance to win!" You said excitedly. You Oliver George, Fred, Charlie and Bill put your hands in. " GRYFFINDOR!" You all screamed. The 4 of you jumped on your brooms as the second half had begun. Bill and Charlie returned to their seats cheering and screaming. You glared at Flint, as did your brothers and Oliver. Everyone started chanting. " GRYFFINDOR!!". You smirked at him. " your dead Flint!" You said smiling. Then Madame hooch blew the whistle. You flew past all the Slytherins, earning a few gasps as you usually played a fair game, when a bludger was inches away from hitting you in the face. You looked over at Flint smirking. " sorry Weasley!" He spat. You growled and gripped your broom. You turned to the twins. " give me encouragement so I don't kill him" you said. " there is no quidditch in Azkaban" Fred said. " thanks" you said. You flew away. You grabbed the quaffle and scored. Everyone cheered.  You chased Flint the whole game while still scoring points" ANGELINA" you waved. She threw the quaffle to you , you shot and scored. Everyone cheered. " come on Gryffindor!" Screamed Charlie.  " Oi Flint be care full" you shouted over the cheering as you kicked him off the broom. " and Weasley booted Flint from his broom, yayyyy!!!!!! But unfortunately he got back up" Lee Jordan yelled. You, Fred and George zoomed round the pitch. A bludger came your way and Fred smacked it at Flint. " Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!!" Screamed Lee Jordan. Cheers came from all around the arena, and all the Gryffindors hurried on the pitch to praise the players. You jumped off your broom. Oliver ran over, grabbed your arm, spun you round and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Everyone cheered. Charlie and Bill went up to Flint. " alright slytherin, go near our little sister again and you'll be slithering into the hospital" they said. He ran away. You pulled away from Oliver. " you're a moron you know " you giggled. " love you too" he laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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