Chapter 1: Captured

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"Let go of me!" A young blond shouted. He was being dragged into a forbidden forest. He was to close to the edge of it two hybrids decided to pull him in.
"Shut your mouth! LT! Put a cloth over his mouth!" A bat hybrid yelled. The cat hybrid named LT did as told. The young blond was named Brice Gold Solace. He was the prince of a kingdom. The forest he was now in was called "Hybrid's Forland".
It was a forbidden forest known for its weird and mysterious creatures and apprences. The two hybrids dragged the prince into a mysterious tower while tying the boy up, throwing him into a room and locking the door. After that the two hybrids left to go do childish things.

Seto's pov
I opened my eyes and looked around my room. The sun shone through the glass roof. I looked over at my calendar to see I had slept for two days straight. I did use a lot of magic that day.... I looked at the clock beside it as it read "10:37am".
I got out of bed, did my morning routine and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and made some breakfast. I heard a door being knocked on from the living room.
I quickly finished dinner and walked upstairs to my living room. The knocking was coming from the closet. Odd. I walked over to the door and unlocked it. The knocking stopped.
"Weird." I said.
"SETO!" I heard someone yell from downstairs. I relocked the door and rushed downstairs. The door flew open as my friend Tyler rushed in and hugged me.
"Tyler." I said sternly as he quickly let go of me.
    "Long time no see friend." Tyler said. I glared at him knowing he wanted something.  He sighed.
"I need a jump potion." Tyler said. I moved my cloak a little and looked down at my belt looking at the only two potions I had on there. One of them was a potion of leaping while the other was a potion of sleeping. I gave him the potion of leaping.
"Thanks Seto. Bye!" Tyler shouted as he ran away. Tyler's a witch hybrid while I'm a sorcerer. I closed the door and heard muffled screams in the living room. Its either that Bodil is pranking me or there's something in my closet upstairs. Bodil is a cat hybrid, very tricky and loves pranks.
Just like the cat he is. I ate breakfast and went to my living room. I walked back over to the closet door. I stood in front of it and crossed my arms. I could still hear the muffled screams.
"Bodil if this is another one of your pranks I swear." I unlocked the door and swung it open to reveal a boy tyed up with a white cloth over his mouth. He looked at me terrified while I looked at him, confused.
"Illusion or trick of the mind?" I questioned myself. I stepped towards the boy as he backed up in fear. He was soon stuck in the corner of the closet. I reached my hand out and pulled off the white cloth.
"P-pl-please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to get so close to your territory!" The boy pleaded. I opened my mouth to say something but heard a knock at the door.
"Yes!" I yelled.
"Seto! Tyler fell into a huge hole and we can't get him out!" It was LT. I got up and stomped my foot. I could hear an 'umph' outside.
    "I'm busy at the moment! Go find Ender or Endera! Get someone else's help!" I yelled back.
"Lazy!" LT yelled.
"I'm not lazy! I'm just a sorcerer doing his job!" I yelled back. I looked back at the boy. He had tears flowing down his face and he was shaking violently in fear.
"Calm down kid. Its ok." I said calmly. He just shook his head. I used my magic to take off the rope that were tied around him. I then saw a little piece of paper fall to the floor. I picked it up.
It read "Sero". Of course he went out, kidanaped a hybrid kid and brought him here. I started blankly at the paper. Yep Sero is going to have a punishment later.
"Come on let's get you back home kid." I said while standing up.
"What are you..." I looked at the door to see Sero's head poking into the closet. His bat ears went down as I gave him a cold glair. I crossed my arms and let out an angry huff.
"What's you explanation now?" I questioned.
"He was to close to the border!" Sero yelled.
"So?" I questioned again.
"Seto no one is even allowed near the border."
"Yeah I know. That doesn't mean you kidanape a hybrid child, bring him here, tie him up and throw him in my closet."
"He's not a hybrid he's a prince! Prince Solace!" Sero immediately covered his mouth after noticing what he just said.
"The king's son? The king's son! THE KING'S SON!" I was furious.
"Now the king, the one that killed every sorcerer alive, is going to be looking for his son. Where will his son be? In the last ever know sorcerer's house!" I screamed in pure anger.
"Seto I'm..."
"No! I want you and LT to guard the edge of the forest and make sure no one comes in. We can't hand the king's son over and be like 'Oh sorry. Your son was tied up and left in my house. Oh yes I'm the very last sorcerer alive!' Sero! He knows were I live now! Its either we kill him or keep him as a prisioner! One word to his father about me and I'm D-E-A-D! Now go! Leave!" I yelled.
Sero nodded and left with his head down. I growled in anger as my fists lit on fire (purple fire). I just wanted to rip someone to shreds right now. I stomped over to my couch and sat down. I took some deep breaths and calmed down. I summoned a book in my hand and started reading. I could feel the boy's eyes staring at me.
"You step a foot near the exit of this house and I'll throw you in a cage." I said clenching my teeth together. It was silent. The boy started to cry. That's the only thing you could hear in the room.
"Mommy." The boy whimpered. Sh*t I feel awful now. I looked up from my book and at the boy. He looked at me with fear and sadness. I pointed to the spot next to me. He looked down, got up, walked over and sat next to me.
He closed his eyes as tears rushed down his face. I closed my book and teleported it back to my room. I got up and took the boys hand. He then struggled in my grip as I walked us out of the room, up the stairs and to the next room which was my own private library.
I closed the door behind us and locked it. I let go of the boys hand and walked over to one of the tall book shelves. I looked at all the books around the room. It was a mess.
I clapped my hands together as all the books on the floor floated into the air and back onto its right full spots on the shelves. I looked at the boy as he quickly bowed his head.
"You can rome around this room but don't destroy anything." I said as I walked over to the romance section. I loved to read about spells and stuff but in my free time I loved to read about fairytails.
It's romantic, well cheesy kind of romantic fairytales. I always loved to pick out one of the really cheesy romance books and make fun of it. I just picked out a regular romance book and walked over to my reading spot in the room.
It was a small sitting place and it was next to a window. I sat in the spot and started to read. After a while I fell into a deep sleep.

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