11:28 pm

14 1 1

You've gotten to know my family
The way things run in my house
The respect we expect
And the love that we share
You see it when you walk through my door

Please tell me,
Who do you think you are?

Leaving me behind when I need you
Not asking if I'm okay
Not even caring if I am

Saying that I crave attention from boys
That I crave attention from everyone
Anyone, everywhere

I don't need your attention
And honestly, you might need it more than me
But it's fine
Just leave me behind

I'll get to where I need to go
Soon enough,
I promise

Though promises mean nothing
And friendship no longer seems to matter

So drive to my place
And leave your key on my porch
You're no longer welcome beyond that door

In my eyes this friendship's no longer worth fighting for.

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