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Save our babies, They wanna be freed

  You claim in the constitution our clan are freed. but all you do is down us out, and give our babies a long as tune saying lowly you'll have a better lite,

    but where are the rules? sorry none for us.

 save our babies they wanna be freed

    how can they be when drugs and they be when drugs and thugs collect the depts in all paid ways possible, when gangs with guns blow out our brain

     Hey no one in our clan own gun factories or pharmicutcal companies to suppor what free gifts you give our babies,

When the billing are due all you gave our babies were guns and drugs

Save our babies the wanna be freed

  from the white ways of motherfreakin greed who keeps us in need not to be freed

Save our babies they wanna be freed

 to show how thie intelligent minds can stop the closed walls you put before and between the not to learn no child left behind not to see

now our babies cleared a path to see freedom ring

Save our babies

Let them go NOW!!!

for our babies, one day will turn the world around

to see our black babies flee away from

drugs gangs streets dealers to killers is a change at life, for most of their parents and grandparents died in vein trying to do the same old thang

Save our babies they wanna be freed

  To see past the part of you and me

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