Spark & Burn

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"---She is my girl"

Yoojin really feels taken aback by his crazy words and it successfully makes her heart race in instant, but she plays it cool and acts calm. She stares deeply at Luhan's eyes, trying to find intention behind his words, but she just helplessly falls into his beautiful eyes and unconsciously holds her breath.

"Impossible" Doctor Lee talks.

Yoojin immediately turns to face her uncle right after she hears it. She sees nervousness, desperation, and fear on his eyes. He totally looks like someone who is near to lose his world. At this point, she realizes that Luhan is above him and this reality scares him a lot. Right now, she starts thinking, should or should not she use Luhan as her shield.

"Nothing is impossible for me---" Luhan begins to talk and he casually embraces Yoojin's shoulder, pulling her closer to his body "---Yoojin really is my girl---" He emphasizes the last word and looks straight to doctor Lee's eyes "---so, don't you dare to touch her, I will never tolerate it" In the end, he just coldly smirks and brings Yoojin away from them.

Doctor Lee doesn't know what to say, he just stares and eventually mumbles to himself "They can't be together"


On the way to the car, no one talks. Yoojin really is deep in her thought and never realizes that Luhan's arm still around her shoulder. It's intentional, he just feels strangely comfortable when he has her in his arm. He doesn't want to let her go, but he needs to, because now they are infront of the car. Like a gentleman, he opens the door for her and she just gets in without saying a thing. Then he runs to the other side and enters the car.

"Why did you do that?"

Yoojin immediately asks as soon as Luhan closes the door. Her question startles him and it makes him speechless for a while. He looks at her and finds her already stare at him deeply. She actually guesses, probably he wants to help her or he just finds this whole situation as an interesting game. In her mind, the second one makes more sense.

"Why?" Yoojin repeats because nothing comes out from his lips.

"Cause I---" Luhan pauses right away and hesitates. His heart beats fast and he extremely nervous, but as a man, he needs to deliver what his true feeling is "---I feel very protective of you" Finally he confesses and it makes Yoojin's heart skip a beat. She never expects to hear such answer.

"Don't ask me why because I don't even know why" Luhan speaks up and ends the conversation as he drives away.

Truthfully, Yoojin needs to admit that her heart melts like an ice because of his warm confession. It's an unusual confession but she finds it thrilling. She changes her point of view towards him and slowly she starts to understand him a little, yes, he looks fierce and mighty, but at a time like this, he just looks so honest and sincere. He is no different from a night sky. Sure, it's dark and sometimes scary, but wait until the stars begin to appear, eventually it'll turn serene and beautiful.


Luhan stops his car and parks it infront of Kris' house. Yoojin looks confused but she stays silent, waiting for his explanation. She sees him unbuckle his seatbelt and turns to see her. The moment their eyes meet, she feels nervousness prey her heart and she awares in any second, she will start blushing.

"I need to talk with Kris, let's go" Luhan talks and is ready to get out, but her words halt him.

"I will wait you here" Yoojin speaks and immediately gets a look from him.

"Really? Will you be alright?" He asks and she just nods.

"Alright, I won't take a long time" He assures her and in the end he smiles softly at her before he leaves.

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