Mr Poole recounts the events that lead him to a disturbing therapist. Red, Sasha and Reno find a strange phone in the Forest that drags them into a series of events that can never be undone.
He had been wandering aimlessly in the lower levels for two days now.
The hunger was beginning to get to Poole.
Sleepy had left him long ago after realising he had no easy way out.
His hope slowly had been dwindling away as he searched each room he passed for stale food or a drop of water.
As he trudged down the hallway, he began to hear another familiar whisper. All at once, the lights of the hallway turned themselves on.
He yelped in pain as the light hit his eyes. His vision, previously used to the darkness, suddenly blurred. Poole could now see he was in what used to be a test viewing room complete with a long drop into the testing room.
Through the blurriness he could see a figure in the standard test subject uniform. It was holding and talking to something... but what?
As he got closer, his vision began to clear. Poole could now see that the figure had sideburns. Each were completely covered in dried blood.
Suddenly, Poole stepped on a cracked floor-tile, causing a loud crunch to echo down the hallway.
The figure stopped speaking with this and turned his head to face Mr Poole.
His eyes had been gouged out, Poole couldn't hold back his gag reflex as he quickly fell to his knees, vomiting.
"Lockwood..." He choked, attempting once again to stand up. "What the hell happened?"
"You..." Growled Lockwood as he realised who was in front of him. He quickly threw what he was holding to the ground and began to run towards Mr Poole in a blind rage.
Poole reacted quickly, running towards the window and looking over the edge. Too high to jump.
Lockwood was still speeding towards him. He finally lunged for Poole's head. His lack of sight became his downfall as Poole leapt out of the way causing Lockwood to fall down into the pit.
Poole could hear each and every one of Lockwood's bones crack and break as he hit the bottom.
But who was he talking to, himself? Mr Poole immediately set off to investigate the object that Lockwood was holding.
He was speaking to a phone... Mr Poole picked it up as it booted up automatically.
Poole felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement as the realisation set in. "PAI?"
The phone had developed a digital face for itself in the years the two had been apart.
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(Drawing by NickJellyNinja on Deviantart)
"Oh my god..." Spoke the phone, heating up in an attempt to deal with the excitement it felt.