Chapter 15: Dragon Quest

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The Squadd Bunch does not exist anymore. After Kajari's disappearance, the Squadd decided to fight for their friend. They attacked Cloudtower, saving Headmistress Griffin, but Theo got the best of Hajari.

That night at Alfea, no one can sleep. All the Squadd are worried about Hajari and Kajari. Kajari is unknown, if dead or alive, and Hajari is on Pyros encountering monstrous dragons all by himself. The Squadd understands that Hajari needs this to become stronger, so they can defeat Theo. Michael is laying on his bed looking at the ceiling worrying about his best friends and Hajarianna opens the boy's room door and comes in.

"I can't sleep," Hajarianna said.

Michael sits up from his bed. "Me neither. I just can't stop thinking about poor Hajari and Kajari."

Hajarianna sits down next to Michael on the bed. Musa and Willow walk into the room too.

"Thank goodness, you're both awake," Willow said.

"I guess you couldn't sleep either, huh?" Musa asked.

"Can you even imagine if Hajari doesn't make it back from Pyros?" Hajarianna said.

"Don't think about that! We have to stay positive," Michael replied.

"Easier said than done. He's all by himself on the creepy island." Hajarianna gets up from the bed and looks out the window.

"An island full of dragons," says Willow.

Musa walks up to Hajarianna and puts her hand on her shoulder.

"But the truth is...Hajari needs to be there right now," says Michael.

"Yeah, he went there to earn his Enchantix and when he comes back, we will defeat Theo together," Musa said.

You can do it, Hajari. We believe in you, Hajarianna thought to herself.

On Planet Pyros, full of volcanoes, ash, and dragons, Hajari finally arrives and teleports.

"So, this is Pyros?" Hajari asked himself. Hajari can hear scary roaring sounds as he looks around up to the dark red sky, hardly able to tell if it is daytime or nighttime.

"Hello?" he asks nervously as his heart pounds out his chest and he feels a clench in his stomach.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

"Come on, Hajari. Take it easy. There's nothing to be afraid of just remain focused, calm, and..." Hajari hears more roaring sounds and starts looking around in every direction. "What. Was. That?"

A dragon comes flying towards Hajari from out of the sky.

"Dragon!" Hajari cried.

The dragon kicks Hajari back and knocks him on the floor.

Hajari angrily stands up. "Two can play at this game. Fire Blast!" Hajari blasts the monster on the ground. Hajari walks up to the dragon, deeming he killed it. The ground starts shaking and Hajari turns around as his cyan eyes widen when he sees three more dragons behind him. Hajari starts to run for it. The first dragon flies over Hajari and plummets down. Hajari jumps up and does a backflip into the air, making the monster hit the ground unyieldingly. Another descends and kicks Hajari into a lake. The dragon then flies over the water, sticking his head in, and sees Hajari holding his breath with his arms pointing forward. Hajari blasts the dragon and it falls back into a further part of the lake while another dragon comes gliding down. Hajari runs as fast he could, being that his wings are wet from the water. A dragon starts running behind Hajari and shoots his fiery breath, but Hajari ducks and accidentally falls into a pit.

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