Using your powers

713 9 6

(You're around 3 years old in this one-shot)

(Y/n's) P.O.V:

I was playing outside in the snow (idk) with my big brother Pj, until suddenly, I saw him do something I never seen him do before.

Pj put his hand out, then some snow started to shape into a little ball, and it was surrounded by this hot pink stuff.

"Pj what are you dowing?" I asked (I tried to make (Y/n) sound like a wittle kid...).

"I'm making a snowball." He replied. "But, you not using your hands?" "Yeah, I'm using my magic."

"Magic?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Can I use magic?"

"Well, you can, but you're too little." He giggled. "No I'm not!" I pouted. "That's not fair!" I looked like I was about to cry.

"No no no! (Y/n) don't cry! *Sigh* Fine. I'll teach you how to use some of your magic." Pj mumbled.

"Yay!Thankyouthankyouthankyouu!!" I shouted. "So, what do I do first?" "First, you put your arm out, like this."
I did what Pj told me to do, and put out my arm.

"Then, you have to concentrate on lifting up the snow." So I closed my eyes, and concentrated.

But nothing happened.

"Pj," I said in a sad tone, "nothing's happened... Am I doing something wrong?" "No (Y/n), look over there!"

I looked were Pj was looking, and I saw (F/c) magic surrounding a ball of snow.

"I did it! I did it!" I squealed. Then, I threw the snowball in Pj's face. ". . ."

"Oh it's on!"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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