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It was the first day of my senior year. You could feel the eagerness of all the seniors and the nervous glances of the freshman. The cramped lockers were a familiar sight and the ugly green floors flew throughout the main hallway. I found Marley my best friend who was was my Vice President.

Her gorgeous blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders effortlessly.

"It's senior year!" she yelled into my ear. I smiled brightly at her and cast glances at my fellow class mates. As we made it to our homeroom classes I had to say my sad farewell. This was the first year in three that we didn't have the same homerooms. Even though we begged the guidance counselor aka Marley's mom. She said separation would be good for us.

So, as I started my senior year without my best friend I went into my honors calculus. Which would be the worst class if the year. I was only taking it because it was free money for a college credit.

When we finally made it to lunch I found Marley sitting in the courtyard next to Matt, her boyfriend. I never felt like a third wheel around them because we were all friends and I had no need for a boyfriend at he time either. I just wanted to get though high school with good grades.

"So how did summer treat you? Miss President," Matt asked.

"It was great! Guatemala was interesting but I just loved teaching some of the kids to read. They were all so cute and sometimes the parents would invite us to their homes for an original Guatemalan dinner." I answered him.

"Sounds fun, Mar and I just sat by the community pool a lot of the time or we were back at my house; just chillin' if you know what I mean." he waggled his eyebrows at me.

"No!" Marley interjected, "we didn't do any of that. I'm still genuinely virgin!" she laughed.

I shook my head at the two lovebirds. They were going to go to the same college and probably buying an apartment together. I on the other hand had gotten a scholarship to Princeton for half of my tuition paid for. I wasn't really excited to leave my Carolina town.

I slowly ate my sandwich as I watched Matt feed a grape into Marley's mouth.

"Okay guys, I have to go to the student council room to get organized before the first meeting." I waved goodbye to them and made my way to room 156. When the results came out about who became the student council president, I was in Guatemala. I only heard about it a week later when my mom called me.

I loved the student politics and I just liked to plan things. Becoming the president made me know that people believed in me. The student council president had to give a speech at the monthly city council meetings, plan most of the dances and volunteer days. There was a lot if pressure on the president but I was willing to step up.

When I got to the student council room fifteen guys were sitting around the table. I slowly walked in and found someone writing in the white board.

"Uhm excuse me, but this is the student council room. What are you doing here?" I asked, slightly pissed.

The man who was writing in the board came up to me.

"Uh sorry? It's Miss Hawxe right?" The balding middle age man said.

"Yes, so what are you doing in this room?"

"We were just conducting a little meeting here. We will be out of your hair in 'bout five minutes." He shrugged.

"Fine, I'll just wait here." I took a seat in the corner and crossed my arms.

The fourteen other guys just looked at me and tried to hold in their laughs. The man at the board just kept writing on the board under a title that said ' Being the Fastest Baseball Team'

I waited patiently for them to be done. As soon as they exited I got up and went to the cabinet. I felt a hand on my back and turned around.

"What?" I snapped. Forty-five minutes was not enough to prepare a meeting.

"Don't interrupt our meetings again, please?" He said.

"You guys were in my room, without asking and I sat there quietly." I told him. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"We want to win our baseball season." He argued.

"It's seven months away, I think you will live. But on the other hand, I have a meeting to prepare for that starts in just over two periods. And I only have this one to prepare it." I smiled at him.

"I would think that as the student council president would be more than encouraging to let her room be devoted to help the baseball team."

"Talk to me when it's February. " I simply told him. He got the message that the conversation was over and left my room. I proceeded to erase the board and file papers.

And that was the last time I talked to him... that is until February.

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