The Things I Could Never Tell You.

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These are just a collection of poems that I write on a daily basis. My poems are always dark and gruesome, by the way. I'll update whenever I write another, which may not be for a while.

Twitter: @callmemadib 

Instagram: callmemadib


Ballad of Sadness

The ice has frozen over the casket

That lay, cold and darkened

That tear has remained on her face

A rather uncommon quiet

She stands there, gazing at what could be

But yet, she hasn't realized

This is a dream she'll never see

Slowly, walking away, her heart aches with desire

To gaze upon her beloved one more time

She threw herself in the fire

Again, the same day, families mourned the two

The man thought of this as nothing, and shot himself right there, too

Again, the same night, a daughter mourns her father

Wishing to race one more time

She flung herself in the water

The mother, bed stricken, out of love and hate

Grabbed the knife and slit her wrists 

And said

"But God you're far too late."


The Eulogy: Part II

The remainder of my childhood years

Were simply spent

In fear and in fright

For the countless monsters that could be

Lurking in the night

For, I would fear, had I been sleeping

The perilous shouts of the deceased 

And those of weeping

Could possibly disturb me of a slumber

For, I imagined, as night would finally fall

Demons could crawl from my boards

Of a numerous number

Later on in life, I feel my dreams decisively decided

To bring the reality of the horrors alive

Every time I'd pause to sleep

The horrid scene set at night

The Eulogy spent of my younger life

Were solemnly spent

In fear of

Continuous dreams, lurking of fright

The only wish I pray to after my demise

Is that these terrible dreams don't precede my mind

The other wish I pray to

After my heart is waning to die

Is that my mind is free and at peace

From the nightmares

That used to persuade my nights



She lays there, six feet under stone

After many years of countless tries

There she lies

She's still alone

She lays there, in a dreamless sleep

She's stuck in a retched slumber

Because her thoughts were far too deep

She lays there, on her bed, razor in hand

She's tired of living anymore

This is what she cannot stand

She's close to the edge

She's not that far

It's just one more cut, it's just a scar

But when she's dead and far deceased, all the people can think to say is,

"I hope she's glad she rests in peace."

Then, she lays there, here yet again

This was once foretold

About a girl that wanted to die

And there she is

She's still alone


The Bullet

Kill me now; shoot me dead

Stick the bullet in my head

The dream won't last, won't last too long

A second to say and then it's gone

Take the blood and fill my lungs

Drown them fast, the Devil's tongue

The breath won't stay or will it sink?

The Devil's brain the one to think

Strain my neck and break my bones

Ground the dust down with a stone

The pain'll go quick, much like a flash

A moment to dream, but shall it last?

Make the metal devour my brain

Make it look like hell has rained

Take the blood and drown me there

Take  blood and steal my air

Force my neck to snap and take

Force my bones to slowly break

My Death hath stay no longer for

Strip my bones to nothing more

Bury me there, a ghastly rose

Will then rise after I decompose.



Pull the trigger, cut my neck

Make it seem like life has left

Slash my wrists and cut my eyes

Take my life and leave me blind

Push me off a desolate bridge

An insant kill, an instant death

A pleasant wish, my final breath

Under the earth is where I am to be

Alone from all, I'm finally free

Death is peaceful, much like ease

Alone I stay, I no longer breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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