Chapter 7

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Snow Season

Metch opened his eyes to a cold wind that blew his fur the wrong way. His mind was still cloudy from the nightmare he had woken from, the same one that had plagued him since Razor had him kill the pup.

He'd see Belike, Moss, and Laki sitting together all smiling at him, then a dark cloud would loom above them, and in flashes of red lightning, they were all dead, their throats and stomachs torn open to let their blood flow. And this time he had seen the pup, her head at an awkward angle and her eyes empty black pits.

Metch blinked and lifted his head, letting out a yawn as he tried to forget about the dream. Laki had taken the nest next to Belike, and her tail was resting slightly on his flank, causing his fur to warm. Laki opened her blue eyes, the same gorgeous blue as his mother's. She lifted her head and noticed the brushing fur. She pulled back quickly and yipped,
Metch flattened his ears and barked,
"Oh, no it's fine."
Noises were coming from outside the den, and Laki pricked her ears.
"That's right, we're leaving to camp this sun-up!"
Laki's tail began to wag.
"I can't wait to see it! I've heard it's beautiful in the Warm Season."
Laki stood up and padded outside, her excitement too high to keep her sitting.

Metch watched her go with a smile, then followed after her. He slipped outside and sat beside the Hunter Den, watching as members of both packs began to gather. Moonech and Cath were sitting in the middle of camp when Nanuk padded up to join them.
"Willow Creek Pack,"
The brown wolf barked,
"We thank you for your hospitality, but we will be on our way now.
Hare trotted up to Nanuk, and barked,
"You're welcome. We will see you to the river, then we will part ways."
Nanuk dipped his head, then followed Hare and Leaf into the forest. As Amber Trees Pack crossed the river-border,

Metch took in the forest that would once again be his home. Not much was left just charred tree trunks, and piles of ash. Piles of moss and lichen had begun to grow, and the occasional fern and bush. However, with what little life there was, Snow Season still gripped on with its icy talons. Frost glistened in leaves, and patches of snow covered the vacant landscape.

As they neared camp, Metch could see what blackened and ashy remains were left of the Camp barrier. When he trotted inside, the once green and lush area was blackened and smoky. All dens had been stripped of their plants, and what hadn't left was charred. Laki was sniffing around the ash-filled mid-rank den, a disappointed glint in her blue eyes. Metch padded toward her and laid his tail on her back. She jumped for a second, then returned to the den.
"Do you remember how camp was before the fire?"
She whined. Metch looked at his paws, trying to recall memories past Willow Creek Pack. He received a few, but at least it was something. Metch barked,
Laki looked at him hopefully, and whined,
"Can you tell me?"
Metch nodded, then barked,
"Of course."
Pointing to the blackened remains of the Care Place, he barked,
"Those bushes were the Care Place, and they grew sweet-smelling leaves and berries. It had a branch roof, and when the sun was highest, the sun would warm your pelt."
Laki nodded thoughtfully, then barked,
"What about the Mid-rank den?"
Metch thought a moment, back to when he had played with Foloo, Razor nagging his every move.
"The trees were a lot taller, and super soft grasses and leaves were inside. Moonech said there was a roof made out of the leaves of the trees, and they blocked out the coldest of the wind."
Laki nodded, trying to imagine the den. Then she turned her blue eyes toward Metch again, the depths of her eyes sparkling.
"What you said about the Care Place, got me thinking."
Metch looked at Laki, a silent wish tugging his pelt.
"I think raising pups would nice."
Metch's pelt suddenly felt as if he had been engulfed in flames. Laki's eyes sparkled, almost mischievously. Metch flicked his ears back as he heard Nanuk and Laema pad out of the burnt remains of their den. Laki padded over to join Kai, and Metch was glad for the excuse.

Nanuk raised his head, but his bark sounded almost defeated.
"I know the damage to camp is great, but we must hurry and repair what we can before the worst of Snow Season comes."
There was a slight pause before a bark sounded,

"I have somewhere we can live until the forest regrows."
Metch looked toward the camp tunnel to see a white wolf standing among the black debris. Her light blue eyes were scanning the many wolves, and she settled on him for a moment. Her flowing pure white fur was moving gently in the breeze, and her eyes again sifted through the wolves, landing on their mother. Moonech padded forward until she was an ear away from the wolf.
Metch heard nothing else, just the enraged growling and snapping of an unsuccessful killer named Razor.

"That's impossible! She can't have survived! There's no possible way she could have lived!"
Metch was padding after his pack through the forest, with an upset wolf raging inside him. Razor was making it more than difficult to stay padding straight, and not to lash out at his pack mates. As they neared what Foloo had called the Moon Field, Metch began to feel as if there was something resisting his presence. Almost like he was having to push an invisible boulder. Razor seemed to notice it too because he had become silent and seemed to be waiting for something. Belike and Laki were padding behind him, and finally, the amount of strength it took just to pad forward had grown too much.
"Go ahead, I'll catch up."
Metch barked as Belike passed him. The black and white wolf cast a worried green glance before continuing on. Laki looked back, her blue eyes sparkling with concern.

Metch wasn't surprised, the way he was panting, he would have done the same. Suddenly the white wolf that had appeared many moons ago appeared again. His white pelt and brown eyes bore inside of Metch, who was laying down now and seemed to look at Razor.
"We don't allow evil spirits in the Moon Field."
The white wolf growled menacingly. Metch wanted to yelp,
"I'm not evil!"
But Razor took control and growled back,
"You and what pack?"
Metch was really hoping the white wolf could see the amount of fear Metch was feeling in his eyes, because Razor was setting him up for a fight, with his fur standing on end and deadly teeth displayed. The white wolf leaped at Metch, who shut his eyes, waiting for teeth to take him to Sky Pack.

When he felt nothing but a lifted weight, Metch opened his eyes again. Razor and the white wolf were fighting behind him, and more starry wolves were joining. A white wolf with black ears, a brown tipped tail and blazing green eyes barked,
Metch didn't hesitate as he pelted off toward where he had seen Belike and Laki go, nothing restraining him. He burst through the trees to see the dark green lush field as the sun was beginning to sink behind the trees. A hill was off to the side of the field, with carved out dens that held many wolves. Each den was also full of soft leaves, moss, and feathers. All dens being the same, the Care Place was put in the middle of the dens, with the mid-ranks to the right of it, Betas on the left, and Alphas on the other side of the Betas. Foloo's den was above the Care Place with a rocky path leading up to it. As Metch padded to the mid-rank den, a pair of blue eyes flashed in the Beta den. Metch stared back at Moonech, his hackles raising warily. He knew his mother was suspicious of him, and he didn't blame her. With his sudden outburst of anger or talking to himself, he probably seemed insane. Metch flicked an ear back when he heard an angry howl of defeat.

Probably Razor.

Metch thought, beginning to pad into the mid-rank den.

That means I get a few moons of peace.

Metch smiled to himself, and as he entered he saw Laki sleeping peacefully, Belike in a nest nearby.

Maybe I can live a normal life here.

Metch pondered, curling next to his friends.

Maybe I can have a family.

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