farther into the pit
of despair and anger
can't stop my fall
green eyes
soft skin
makes me feel so small
you're so far away now
i want you still
but i can't lift a hand to hold yours
do you see my plea for help
will you reach for me
can you hold me close somehow
just don't touch me
because i'll shatter
and i'll hurt you
high-pitched screams
hyper-sensitive skin
i want your warmth
but it'll set me aflame
and i can't handle it all
talk to me
tell me that you care
but lower your voice
it's too loud in here
the volume is grating
chipping away at my composure
smile at me
but i can't look at you
you're too beautiful
and it hurts my eyes
even though i can't handle this
somehow you being here
just inches away
helps me the tiniest bit
i wish you were here now
i wish we could breathe
i want you close to me
stay away
because i might explode
and i don't want you
to get caught in the aftermath
Dark Days
Poesíapretty much just emo poems i write to keep myself from hurting other people or myself