Juliet needs a savior

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Chapter 1

14 year old Juliet Arson sits in her closet..with a knife held up against her wrist..as she's about to slid the knife across her skin she hears her phone ringing. She slowly puts the knife down gets up and answers the phone. "Hey Juliet? It's Charles" he says. Juliet holds the phone to her chest so he won't hear her screams of excitement. She clears her throat "um- hi" she says as her voice gets higher. "So I was thinking, maybe we should hang out sometime?" He says "Yea sure id love to" she says holding in her excitement. "Well alright then how about tomorrow at the lake?" He asked "uh... Sounds great" she replies. He hangs up. " OH MY GOD.. The first good thing to happen to me since I came out.." She thinks, Juliet had just admitted to the world last year, that she's bisexual. She starts thinking about why the most popular guy in school would want to hang out with a loser like her.. "Why has he suddenly taken an interest in me.. He knows I'm bi.. I didn't even think he knew I existed till now.." Juliet always gets bullied for being different and likening certain "screamo" bands. "I don't see why anyone would judged me because the music I listen to.. They push me around.. They hate me for being myself.. The teachers ignore it.." She thinks to herself. She's always been an outcast but Juliet has at least two real friends, Kelsey and Jayy. They've been the only people to stick up for her and care for her since her mothers always "out" by out she means screwing random guys and drinking herself into a drunken stopper where she can't remember her own daughters name.. One time she was gone for three months.. and came back smelling of alcohol, sex, and weed.

Chapter 2

"Okay today's the day! I hope I don't screw this up.." Juliet says breathing heavily. Her mother stubbed to her bed room door "oh what a surprise she drunk again.." Juliet though. " your- your no good you know tha- that your a worthless little slut an- and that's all you'll ever be Juliet your a disappointment and embarrassment" Her mother screams. Juliet feel a tear stream down her face, "NO you can't let her get to you she doesn't even know you!" Juliet coaches herself. "Yes mother I'm a disappointment" Juliet sighs while rolling her eyes. "You little bitch do- don't you roll your eyes at me!" She says as she throws a liquor bottle at Juliet. The bottle hits the wall behind Juliet missing her by not even an inch and shattering around her. Glass rains down on Juliet. Juliet drops to her knees to quickly pick up the glass. Her mother stumbles away yelling "I won't be coming home tonight". "Thank god.." Juliet mumbles. Then Juliet realizes the shooting pain in her leg "dammit" there was a piece of glass in her leg. She gets the glass out and quickly gets ready for her date. Juliet doesn't exactly like swimming, well it's more that she doesn't like swim suits, they show her scars and she insecure about her body.

Chapter 3

Juliet walks to the lake. She saw Charles there smiling. "H-hey" Juliet says nervously. "Well hello there cutie" Juliet blushed uncontrollable and walked closer to him. They sit down and talk for hours, Juliet reveals embarrassing secrets to Charles. She feels a connection like she can trust him. "My mother sleeps with any guy she can find.. and abuses me.." She admits. "I'm sorry.. I don't see why anyone would want to harm someone as amazing as you.." He says while leaning closer to her Juliet smiles she can feel her checks getting red. He puts his hand gently on her check and pulls her close to him, then gently kisses Juliet. Juliet fought him for dominance, she won. She gently nibbled his bottom lip, then gets a little rougher and biting his lip. He slowly pulls away looks at her then says "wanna go for a swim?" She pauses "yea just let me get my swim suit it's-" he cuts the sentence short "oh no you don't need a swim suit" he says winking " uh well-" he kissed her passionately then slips his hand up her shirt unhooking her bra. Charles pulls her bra then shirt off. She tries to cover her scars. Charles takes his clothes off and grabs Juliet by the button of her shorts unbuttoning them. He slowly slips them of undressing her. He kisses her softly then slowly pulls her into the water. They make out for awhile then Juliet decides it's time for her to go home "things are getting to intense" she thinks to herself.

Chapter 4 (sorry it's a little shorter then the rest)

Juliet gets home her mother is still gone. She calls Jayy. "HEY!!" She screams excitedly "uh hey.." Jayy says in a sleepy voice "you know it's like 3 am right?" Juliet didn't even realize the time. "I don't care about time! I went skinny dipping with the most popular guy in school! He was so sweet and so was his lips! They tasted like Mountain Dew! And-" Jayy interrupts "wait Charles?!? That stuck up ass hole??You deserve better! He's only going to break your heart!" He says with rage and jealousy. "I appreciate you looking out for me Jayy your a real friend but I think I can handle this he's a good guy trust me. Now I'll let you get back to sleep love ya"she says "I love you" he says meaningfully as Juliet hangs up. But neither of them will be able to sleep tonight Juliet will lay awake fantasying about Charles while Jayy will be taking piles in effort to get to sleep and stop worrying about losing Juliet whom he has loved in secrecy for years.

Chapter 5 (it's really long, I got carried away! But it makes up for the shortness of the last one cx)

Juliet's mothers bursts through the door. She stomps through the house and manages to make her way to Juliet's room where Juliet is sleeping. "Wake the fuck up bitch" she yells waking Juliet "Wha-" Juliet's sentence is interrupted by her mother slapping her. "Just go die already no one wants you and no one will ever want you" Juliet couldn't hold in the tears anymore. Tears stream down her face. "That's right cry, cry you little baby" she says pushing her off the bed. Juliet lays on the cold floor sobbing. Her mother walks away. "I know she didn't mean it, it's just the drugs..it's just the drugs" Juliet keep repeating this over and over until she hears a knock at the door. It's Jayy and Kelsey. Jayy dries Juliet's eyes "what happened? Did she hit you again...?" Jayy asked worried Juliet burst out in tears, she can't even handle the word "mother" anymore. Jayy gathers her up in his arms "I'm so sorry.." He says holding her tighter. She cries louder as she puts her arms around him and holds him for comfort. Juliet breaks out of Jayy's embarrass and runs to the kitchen and grabs a knife Jayy follows her "put that down!" He screams "no she said I should just go die.. no one wants me Jayy! No one!" She argues "well I'm a no one then" he says while slowly moving toward her "because I want you" he moves closer " no you don't.. you don't want me no one will ever want a worthless piece of shit like me!" Jayy grabs her as she falls to the ground. She tries to cut herself again Jayy grabs her wrist she fights him "let me go no one needs me!" She cries "no! I need you Juliet I love you put the knife down!" He screams she releases her grip Jayy grabs the knife and throws it across the room. "I can't take this anymore, you have to many problems I can't handle you anymore!" Kelsey steps in. "Kelsey what the hell???" Jayy says as Kelsey walks away. Juliet cries into Jayy's chest.

Chapter 6

"I'll stay if you want me to? I'll protect you Juliet I won't let anyone hurt you." Jayy asked "no..no I just need to be alone.." She says with a sigh "o- ok" he says hugging her then getting up, waving good bye and walking out the door. Juliet crawls to her closet grabs her knife and cuts into her skin. Juliet doesn't cut for pleasure she does it for many reason but the biggest is to distract herself from her many other problems. "Just one cut.. that's all.. Just one.." Juliet says as her addiction begins again. She has been cutting since age 10.. It helps her ease the pain.. since her parents got divorced 6 years ago when Juliet was only 8. She never talks to her father anymore since he abused her just as much if not more than her mother. She always thought it was her fault but in reality they were just on drugs, angry, and looking for a lightening rod to absorb all there anger. Juliet was just the punching bag of the dysfunctional family. The worst part is the 'beatings' have only gotten worst since the divorce. Her mothers always been an alcoholic but after she got divorced she started doing drugs.. Taking any pill she could find shooting any needle into her own flesh no matter what was in it.. Juliet thrives to not be like her mother.. She tries her best but she can't help but to see the worst for her future.

Chapter 7

It's been 3 days and her mother still hasn't returned.. Though she treated Juliet horrible she still is worried about her mother, she loves her unconditionally and fears the worst..

"It's all my fault" she thinks as she continuously worries about her mother. She hears a car door slam. Its her mother getting out of a car with 3 strangers. All men. Her mother had most likely sleep with all of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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