Chapter - 44

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Firstly, I explained everything to Venita.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened, Bella. Tell me, how can I help you?
I'm ready to do anything to save my friend", she told.

"Thanks a lot, Venita", I replied and told her the plan.

She agreed to it and both of us went to Adams Avenue, to Mrs. Parker's house.

Venita went in and I hid myself behind one of the apple trees there.

Venita's POV :

I could hear someone weeping and sobbing.
Mrs. Parker opened the door with tears, as I knocked.

"Good morning, Ma'am.
I'm from 'Nut&Nut Co.' I'm here to promote our new product, 'Shellcal'.
This is a chocolate in the shape of a shell and is meant for all the age groups. Consuming it not only imparts instant calories, but also makes you have more and more of it", I told.

"Oh! I'm sorry, neither I wanna try your new product, nor am I in a mood to! Please excuse", she answered.

"Auh, no problem Ma'am. I guess you aren't feeling well.
Can I know what happened? I mean, sharing always divides sorrows and multiplies happiness. So if you don't mind sharing, you can."

"My son-in-law is no more!" She broke down and resumed weeping.

Meanwhile, I could see an eight year old boy, whom Bella told me about.
I put the chocolates on their table and tried to console Mrs. Parker.

"This is the perfect situation! Lemme take an advantage of it", I told myself and brought a glass of water with a chocolate dissolved in it.

"I feel the water is so tasteless", she told and sighed.

"Uh, actually you have fever. You need to rest now", I told and thanked God for she didn't notice the change in water colour. As I took her to the bedroom, the boy had chocolates and fell asleep. Mrs. Parker was too drowsy, to notice him.

I called up Bella and asked her to hurry up, as the drug intoxicated would have its effect only for five to ten minutes.

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