I don't own this character- kiera cass does!!!
1.) stare at her with giant eyes when she walks past
2.) every time she talks to you cough really loud
3.) boing her curls over and over again
4.) step on the back of her dress continuously and when she looks back at you say "oops" really loud.
5.) sing a song about your cat whenever she is around
6.) hiccup really loud 3 times for every time she hiccups
7.) whenever you see her glaring at you, smile and nod at her expectingly
8.) when she rolled her eyes at you after step number 7, ask if it hurts when she rolls her eyes
9.) follow her around singing really bad harmony to annoying songs(such as the song about your cat)
10.) when she finally yells at you after step 9, say that that was a test to see how calm she would be if she was queen, and that say that she failed.