Chapter 1: Spliting Up Always Sucks

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Riley above as a 12 year old.

Hope you enjoy.


It was late at night when I heard yelling. Even though it sound hushed, I could still here them.

I got out of my bed wandering why my parents we're yelling.

I walked half way down the stairs, and sat down watching my parents from between the bars. This was my hiding place if my parents though I was asleep. It was dark, but I could see them from the light beaming out of the kitchen. Then I heard what they were saying.

"-my work. I have a big job and that is what's  separating me from you. I know you don't like it, but it is." My dad was explaining to my mother.

"What are we going to tell Riley?" My mother told him with a worried look. Even though she was worried about me, I could still hear the hatred in her voice, directed to my dad.

"We should tell her after her birthday. Not right after of course, but just a couple of weeks after."

What were my parents talking about? I never heard a conversation like this before, from my parents. But, things can change.

"Yes, and when we do tell her then, right after you will start packing to leave." My mother told my dad with a stern look.

My eyes widened when I finally figured out what they were talking about. My parents were going to split up.

I got up, and forgot that they could hear me and ran my way up the stairs.
"Riley? Is that you?" I heard my dad say right when I reached the top of the stairs.

I heard faint foot steps coming out of the kitchen. I quickly ran to my room and hopped into my bed. A shoved the covers over me and shut my eyes, pretending to sleep.

I heard my door slowly creak open revealing my parents on the other side, but I kept my eyes shut.

"Riley, are you awake?" Once I heard my dad's soft voice, I caved. I opened my eyes and shook my head yes.

I was always a daddies girl and loved him. I loved my mom too just as much, but I didn't want them splitting up. We were such a happy family.

"Why?" I asked, and sudden realization poped to their heads.

"Honey, I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to hear that."

"But I did." I said feeling wetness on my face. When did I start crying?

I sat up wanting a family hug, but all I got was a hug from my dad, and a hug from my mom. Separate. I hated this. I hated all of this. I just want a hug with my mom and dad together hugging each other.

I wanted what we had so long ago.

But I couldn't. Since I know what they were hiding, they have no intention of faking any more. They don't love each other any more. They just love me. Separate.

I hated that word. Separate. It is the definition of this family. Separate.

By now I was balling my eyes out. I was huffing and puffing. And not just because of being mad. Will I ever get to order the family size pizza ever again. Probably not.

This is where my parents will hug me at the same time, soothing me in any way. But, that didn't happen this time. I felt alone.

And my birthday was next month. Are they going to bye me separate gift now. I hated to even think about it.

What I would do to build a time machine and go back in time, wishing I never woke up in the first place. What is wrong with me.

I heard something about work, but work is work. They are just blaming something to not tell the truth.

"Mom, dad, will I ever see one of you again?" My voice was choking up and I had the hickups from crying to much. I wiped at my eyes wanting to hear their answer.

"Of course, honey bunny, we will bothget to see you. Ever holiday and ever months. But look at the bright side, you will get double of everything. Double presents, double houses, double food." This is why I loved my dad do much. Always trying to cheer me up.

"That is exactly my piont. If I get double of everything then that would mean that I would either be doing stuff with mom or you. Separate. I want to be together. As a family. Like we always did. I want my family back."

"Honey, you will always have a family no matter the cause. I will always be your mother, and your father will always be your dad. We will always love you."

Now my dad is just 'father' to her. It used to be babe, or honey, or something like that. But now he is just 'your father'.

"Ya, but you will never love each other." I getting more mad then agree at them. How could they do this to me? Did they think that once they tell me, a few tears will be shed and I aill be all fine with it? I don't think so. Every time they opened their mouths they will just make my piont much clearer.

I fround, and laid back down, turning away from them. I heard my father sigh. He leaned over me before kissing me on the cheak and standing up to leave. My mother followed after him, shutting the door behind her.

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