Their boss

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Chapter 4

"Is Tenth in there?"

"Is he ok?"

The door of Tsuna's room immediately opens, revealing a worried looking Gokudera and Yamamoto. It has been a week since Tsuna's strange behavior and apparently, his behavior has been getting stranger in each day.

He would suddenly space out and look depress as if remembering something horrible. Also, the brunet's actions were starting to look mature and his mental and physical skills had improved all of a sudden that everyone who practically knew the brunet had a huge question mark over their heads.

But what got them worried the most was when Tsuna suddenly shut himself from everyone, figuratively speaking, for he suddenly acted distant and his answers would always be the 'I'm fine, don't worry' reply and he suddenly picked up a habit of putting on fake smiles and masks. What caused him to change like this? Last time they knew him, he was the same old no-good and naïve but open boy… but then the next day he suddenly turns into this skilled person, who suddenly became observant in every little thing and his once honest eyes were now shut with secrets that suddenly popped out of nowhere.

And so back to the situation at hand, the brunet's two best friends decided to visit him one Saturday morning. They heard that Tsuna suddenly shut himself (now literally speaking), to give him some time for himself. And they couldn't help but feel, as I have written before, worried.

The two immediately spotted Tsuna sitting on the floor, leaning against his bed with Na-Tsu (he summoned him), taking a nap on the brunet's lap. Tsuna was unconsciously stroking the cub while spacing out.

"Tsuna." Yamamoto calls to him, snapping him out from his trance.

Tsuna looks at his two friends standing by the door way "O-oh! Hey guys! What brings you here?"

Gokudera and Yamamoto exchanged looks before nodding at each other. Tsuna looks at them questioningly, when all of a sudden, the two approached him and grab both his arms.

"O-oi! Wha-what are you guys doing?" Tsuna asks standing up as the two pulls him up, causing the lion cub to drop down the ground and growl "S-sorry Na-Tsu!" he then said as the lion cub turns back into a ring.

"Oi… where are you guys taking me?" Tsuna asks with a sigh

His two best friends had dragged the brunet out of his house and were now taking him to town.

"I deeply apologize Tenth… but…-" Gokudera was cut off by Yamamoto "We just want you to come with us and have an outing together."

Tsuna, of course, knew they were doing this… it was because he had been cooped up in his room for too long and they wanted him to have fun and hang out with them, he smiles at their concern over him "Alright I understand… so… where are we going?"

Yamamoto had grin widely at this "Amusement park!"

Tsuna sweat-drops at this, they can be so childish sometimes.

"Baseball idiot! How many times have I told you we're going to the movies!" Gokudera glares at Yamamoto

"Maa, maa… but they don't start until 5 in the afternoon." Yamamoto replies

"Well, then if that's the case let's go to the amusement park, we can go to the movies later Gokudera-kun." Tsuna said flashing a smile to the bomber. Gokudera looked a bit disappointed at this "Err… but I can't wait to watch the movie…" 'Whatever it is…' Tsuna chuckles at Gokudera's happy face.

As they continued on their way, they suddenly bump into Kyoko and…

"EXTREME! It's been awhile Sawada!" Ryohei said turning to the brunet

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 12, 2012 ⏰

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