Chapter 18 - Last Night?

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I hold my back the whole time I'm cooking. It was so sore I couldn't even stand up straight.

I limped around and moved very slowly. I almost overcooked the eggs because I didn't get there in time. I sigh loudly.

"Do you need a crane you grandma?"

I look up and see Yoongi.

"Shut up you're walking the same"

He really was. His back was a little hunched and he had his hand behind his back. I laugh to myself seeing him walk like that.

"What're you laughing at?"


I place the food in front of him and his mouth starts to water.

He reaches for the food with his chopsticks but I slap his hand away.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"What? I can't eat food"

"No not until you do something for making me so sore"

I look at him expecting to hear a sorry.

"Not my fault. I'm just that good"

I spit out my water into his face.


I yell at him. He closes his eyes and moves back as I scream. He wipes his face and gives me a poker face.

"Nothing did happen"

He gets up and walks away. Shocked by his words I chase after him, as fast as my back would let me, with a plate of food in my hand.

"I'm sorry Yoongi-oppa! Here have some"

He lifts his eyebrows and takes a piece and puts it into his mouth. He snatches the plate from me and stuff his face. After he's finished he hands the plate back to me and keeps his straight face. He walks away.

I grab his arm.

"Wait oppa! So what happened exactly last night"

I cling to his arm. He looks down at our arms and smiles pervertedly at me. Disgusts wells up inside me and I push his arm away from me. He walks away again. I groan.


The frustration..... of coming up titles. My life is so hard ;;

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