Chapter 13: Peaches and Sunlight

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*Annabelle's pov*

As we stand out in the garden, time seems to start moving again and o send my final glance to the setting sun. I turn to walk into the house, but Finny gently tugged on my hand to get my attention.

I look at him and see a look of sincerity and passion in his eyes.

"Annabelle, will you walk with me...Please?"

"I would be delighted to." I say, my heart faltering when I see the joy in his eyes.

We start to walk into the conifer forest until we reach a small log cabin that I had never noticed before.

"I built this myself, for when I need time alone or just when I need to relax. I thought that you might like it." He says.

"This is beautiful Finny." I say as I look over the small clearing it is built on.

We step inside and I gasp. The inside is furnished with beautiful hand made furniture, ranging from wicker to oak.

I run my hand over the varnished tables and chairs and I admire the decor. I turn around and Finny is standing behind me with his eyes closed and a faint smile on his face.

I study his face and the way he always manages to look so calm and peaceful. He opens his eyes and looks at me for a moment before blushing and turning away from me.

"Annabelle, if you could have any wish granted, what would you wish for?" he asks innocently.

"I would wish that I could stay here and live with everyone for forever." I say.

"Mine would be that I could grow strong enough to hug everyone in the world, at the same time, so we can all be happy together, forever." He smiles.

I look at him as he says those words and his face gushes hope and sincerity.

He grabs my hand and takes me out to the back yard, and in the yard there is a pair of swings. I go on one, while Finny hops onto the other. We start to slowly swing, getting higher and defying gravity for seconds at a time.

When we reach maximum speed,Finny starts to ask me about my life and where I was before I came here.

"Where did you come from, I mean, what is your home town and where's your family?" He asks me.

I stop swinging and I look at him with a seriousness I have never felt before.

"Finny, I have to tell you something that I haven't been quite honest about, and I need you to not get mad at me, at least not until the end of the story." I say.

"Annabelle, I promise." he says solemnly.

"Finny, I'm not from this world, I come from a different time and a whole different dimension. My home town is Oakdale, Wisconsin and the reason I'm not with my mother is because she abuses me. She is also an alcoholic with a bad temper. Sometimes she beats me until I loose consciousness, or until I beg for her mercy. She used me as a slave, any thing she wanted she had to have.... or else. After years of this torment, I tried to end it all. I slit my own wrists and lay down to die. She found me before that could happen, and she has a careful watch on me ever since." I finishes with tears in my eyes.

Finny didn't say anything. I look at him and he has a look of anger on his face.

"Annabelle, I would never be mad at you over that, however, I am furious that your mother treated you so poorly. I to, was abused as a child, but in different ways. I was used as a test subject for  different drugs, as they tried to find out what would make the super human. They ended up succeeding,but I escaped. I never looked back."  he says. "I can promise that I will never let her touch you again."

I looked over at him and his eyes said it all. They were filled with thousands of emotions, and all of the colours of the sea were swimming in his bright blue eyes.

I slowly reached out with my hand to grab his. It was the only way that I could communicate that I felt the same way, that I would never let anyone hurt him again.

It seems like we looked at each other for hours, even though in reality it was just a couple of seconds. In this moment I realised I was falling, hard and fast, for Finny.

I close my eyes and breath in the twilight air and concentrate on the feeling of his hand on mine. I can't imagine my old life anymore. It seems to have melted away and disappeared for a few moments.

As I slowly open my eyes, I see the last little shreds of sunlight pass through the branches of the trees and then our little world ended and our world became dark.

We stood to get up and leave, just as the sun had. This time we walked slower and the words acme more freely.

"Annabelle, do you have a nickname?"

"No, I've always been called my full name my entire life."I say.

"Can I call you Bell, because your voice reminds me of them, soothing and cheerful." he asks.

"Sure..." I say.

We continue walking down the path until we came to the manor. I paused to look at the Windows, lit up in grandeur, and the house shining in its full glory.

I am privileged to even be allowed to stay here with the people I care about.

I make my way over the dewy grass in the garden and I gingerly skip my way up the stone steps, all the while Finny running beside me. We reach the back door and jaunt merrily in.

We head to the kitchen and pull out some cookies and some milk. I eat one and drink my milk before I say that I am going to bed.

I walk up the steps and head down the hall to my room. Once I am in, I slip out of my gown and into a night gown.

I am about to get under my covers when someone knocks at the door. I walk over and open it, thinking it is Sebastian coming to say goodnight. It turned out to be Finny.

"Bell, I forgot something." he says while coming into my room and closing the door.

I turn to face him, when his lips crash over mine in a tender way. He tastes of peaches and sunlight, and he smells faintly of rich soil and apples.

The kiss was short and sweet, leaving me craving for the taste of peaches and sunlight and wanting to feel his mouth against mine.

I look into his eyes, and I know that it's all over. I had fallen for him, and he caught me.


THAT KISS! Lol sorry, I'm just excited about them. You guys should give me some feed back on how you liked it, and if you feel like I need it, you should give me some advice. Anyways, I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night, and I will try to update again soon.


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