✯ Chapter 15: Missing Pieces ✯

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"Yes, Mr. Choi. She can already go home tomorrow morning. We just need to check on her condition for a few hours and she'll be fine to go."

"Thank you, Joongki. We'll be leaving before lunch then. But have you told him about this already?"

"Not yet but after this, I'll be contacting him immediately."

You groaned as you tried stretching your numb feet and arms, making the two men talking look at you. Your father nodded at Dr. Song in gratitude with a smile.

"I'll take my leave now, Seunghun."

You slowly opened your eyes, blinking as you focused them. Your father went to table near the bed and prepared your meal.

"You awake now?" Your father asked, putting your food on the tray before going to you.

"Yes, appa." You said, sitting up as you gently wiped the corner of your eyes. He smiled.

"Good. Here, eat now. It's your favorite bibimbap and..." Mr. Choi trailed off as he pointed the glass of milk on your tray. "...your favorite milk, my dear."

You smiled.

Not the usual smile that reaches your eyes though.

"The doctor said you can be discharged tomorrow. I have a surprise for you." Your father said, watching as you pick up the spoon and started eating. You looked up at him, hope was seen in your eyes.

"What surprise?" You asked, quickly gulping down your food. Your father just chuckled, giving you your glass of milk.

"Princess, it won't be a surprise then."

Your shoulders slumped as you figured you won't get anything out of your father. You just continued eating as your father told you stories.

"Aren't you excited you'll finally get out of this white room? Because I am!" He exclaimed, picking up an apple on the table and taking a bite. You slightly giggled at his childish behavior, turning the television on with the remote control.

"I am excited, appa. It's just that—"

"News alert. The flights in Seoul Pacific Airlines for today were cancelled due to the malfunctioning of a plane on the first flight. The first flight's destination was Beijing, China, having 77 passengers. The company is beginning the function and machine checking right now for safety measured for the next flights. Let's have Ji Kwang Sun for the actual report. Kwang Sun?"

"Oh no..." You suddenly heard your father mumble as he stared at the television showing the news report.


He suddenly turned to you, startling you with his glistening eyes. You reached out your hand to him.

"Are you okay, appa? Why—"

You father reached your hand and pulled you into his arms. He caressed your hair as if shushing you not to cry.

"I'm sorry, my princess." He whispered, hugging you tighter.

You didn't know why is he acting like this nor why he apologized but your heart felt heavy as he said those words.

Why do I feel like I've lost something I'll never find again?

After that day, your father was cheerful like the usual but you noticed the lack of light in his eyes.

It's like he's not the same but he's trying to be for you.

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