Loving Hyung

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My name is Park Chanyeol. People often say that I’m handsome and I agree to  that. I mean, if you could see me right now, you’ll probably also think the same way. Standing at 182 cm, I towered over other guys. My body is still quite lacking at the moment but if I find time to work out, then it would be greater than what it is now. My face is the perfect proportion. In addition to everything, I have a deep voice that makes ladies swoon.

I’ve gone out with a few girls before and I might date some more in the future. Who knows? With a face and body like mine, you never really know what might happen. And truth behold, I never expected, not even imagined, what happened next.

It all started one gloomy afternoon as I was looking for a place to shelter myself from the rain. I just finished my last class for the day and was about to go home when the rain started pouring. A few meters away was a small café where I haven’t gone to before. You know those kind of places where it is really awkward to go alone? It’s that kind of place. Without much thinking, I put my hoodie on and ran to the café.

The door made a bell ringing sound as I entered. Inside, there’s a line of people ordering. Some of them must be here to stay out of the rain, like me. I stood in line and tried drying my slightly wet hair as I wait for my turn. While doing so, my head turned to a corner of the café. It wasn’t anything special. Wooden table and chairs, a coffee mug atop the table, a plant by the wall, a see-through glass wall wet from the rain. There wasn’t anything special about it for me to stop and stare at it.

But I did.

Sitting there silently was a guy with blonde hair. He was wearing a long sleeved white polo shirt and a pair of black pants. Even while he’s sitting, I can tell that he’s way taller than me. Maybe around 190 cm. His clothes were too simple compared to my flashy outfit yet they somehow fit him perfectly. He shines.

I must be staring at him for quite a long time because the line in front of me already disappeared and the lady at the cashier asked me what my order is in obvious irritation. She probably asked me about five times, judging by her expression. I smiled at her and cutely said I wanted a frappe. Her face brightened up and told me to wait for a while. Handsome guy Chanyeol, one point.

Looking around, I realized that there’s an empty table right beside that guy. I paid and took my frappe. I made my way to the table. For some reasons I don’t understand, my heart started beating fast. As I got nearer, he saw me. He must be a really nice person because when our eyes met, he smiled at me. I smiled back. My heart felt like it stopped.

I took my seat and placed the frappe on the table. Good thing I didn’t drop it a while ago. My body went stiff the moment our eyes met. Then when he smiled, I felt some sort of electricity ran through my veins. It’s really weird. I’ve never felt anything like it. Except maybe for that time I electrocuted myself while playing with a broken socket when I was 4 years old. Still, it wasn’t even close to that.

I took a sip of my frappe thinking it could calm down my nerves. It did not. The mere fact that our bodies were only a few inches away made me extremely uncomfortable. As weird as it already is, I still liked it.

Overwhelmed by these new emotions, and towards a guy even, I tried thinking of other things. I looked outside through the glass wall. It’s still pouring out there. I suddenly thought about all the relationships I had in the past. Have I felt anything even close to what I felt towards this man? That electricity. That fast beating of my heart.

Lost in thoughts, my eyes chanced a glimpse of a reflection. His reflection. Now that I see him closer like this, I noticed how beautiful he is. That’s something really big for me to say. That’s a huge compliment coming from a handsome person like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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