**Chapter Six**

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Chapter six: Rebels

"So what do you find interesting in my son?" The queen asks.

"Well, um, you see I don't really know that yet. I know he is quite handsome, and he is very charming."

"What about his hair? Do you like it? I don't, I think he looks strange. But he likes it. Can you believe that?" She kept on going and going. I nodded occasionally.

"Here we are!" She said at last. "He should be in there already. I'll be right back my dear I have to call the staff to send your food up with ours." And with that she left me alone in the hallway.

I slowly opened the door and looked inside. No one. I walk inside and shut the door. I take a look around and find books. I start to look through them....

"What do you think you are doing? This is the queen's study. You can't be in here." Justin walks around the book shelf and grabs my hand. And I regret what happens next.

My reflexes kick in, even though I know who was grabbing me. I bring my leg up and kick Justin in the chest. He lets go and falls on his butt. "Shit! I'm so sorry. That was just my instinct." I start to help him up, but he backs away from me.

"I'm ok. You just have a strong kick that's all. I'll live. And I'm sorry to have startled you, Gwen." Then he thought of something. "What are you doing in here?"

"Your mom let me in. She told me to eat with you two." I shrug.

"She really likes you. She'll treat you like her own. Like me." He smiles.

Oh I think I already know that. "Really? That's awesome. But she really shouldn't get too attached with me about to be apart of The Guard and all."

"True. And I think I already told her that but she won't listen." He chuckles softly. "I have a question for you beautiful."

"Yes?" I blushed at the nickname.

"Do you even know what The Guard is?" His eyes went dark.

"Uh no." I start playing with my hair, tempted to put it down for now, but don't. "Should I?"

"Yes. Didn't they tell you when they talked to you about your choices?"

"N-no. I never really had a choice of what I wanted to do. They just said, your coming with us. And that was it. No explanation, no one telling me what I am in for. Nothing."

"What do you mean? Everyone else had a choice. It was either join us, or we will take away your memory of meeting us. That simple." He shook his head. "Anyway, The Guard is the protectors of this land. Some of the people of the Guard go to the front lines and fight. Others, like yourself, stay back and protect the palace they are told to protect. For now I will have you with my Squad, guarding the castle, so you're nearby. You will also get visits from your family, but they are going to be here. They will get driven here and you may show them around the grounds. You will have a chance, if you want, to grow in rank and become someone on the front line. But most people like to stay close to home because they are able to see their families more. Isn't your brother in the Front Line?"

"No. He is at home right now. But when he is out on duty, yes. He never says anything to me though. I think he doesn't want to scare me, but I've seen worse or heard worse. But he doesn't know that." I shrug.

"Oh, well now that you know. Do you still want to be a part of the Guard?" He bits his lip.

"Sure. It's fun."

"Okay." He smiles.

"Dear! I have the food!" The queen walks in. "Oh hello son."

We both smile and bow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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