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I got tagged by @imDilHowlter, so.... yeah...

Single: nup.
Crushing: nup.
FavouriteFood: cheese.
FavouriteColour: mint green/ black
FavouriteMusic: Don't have a fav.
Talents: drawing?
In Love: yeep
Hobbies: drawing, reading, eating <- that counts, right?
Long Hair or Short: short
Height: 5'3" or 5'4"
Jacket or Hoodie: both
Eye colour: uhh..... grey? Green? Blue? Brown? It changes a lot???
Hair Colour: kinda honey coloured.
Jeans Or Shorts: JEANS
Get Married: yis
Get Divorce: nuuuu
Still Wet The Bed: not that I know of O.O
Had Or Have Depression: not sure.
Day Dream: all day.
Thought of food: cheese
Someone You hate: this chic named mia
DreamJob: tattoo artist or hair cutter person
Got Tattoos: not yet
Got Piercing: my ears.
Worst Day Of Your Life: dunno. There is a lot.
Best Day of Your Life: when me and my gf got together.
Biggest Fear: showing too much feeling and it going wrong.

I tag.... I dunno I'll tag them later.

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