i was playing halo 4 multi player and this kid with a mic and when i say kid i mean like 6 or 7 years old i cant remember but his mom just started talking into the making saying hows your besties why are you shooting pink spikes it was just cringy and soon the mom started playing to. so it was super creepy and beside the fact that she was a cringy mom she wasnt that bad in fact she acutally killed me a couple times. but besides the fact that she got mad when i started spawn killing her son which was funny she tried to call the cops on me now i know people have called the cops for dumb reasons but tis takes the cake the funny part is she lives in hawaii and i live in iowa so she ended up calling the mpd mauii police department and she said this guy over the mic was harrasing my child. so the cop picks up the mic and starts talking to me the funny thing is he wasn't saying dont do this or dont do that he was actually complimenting me for such a good gamer i am and i know this doesnt sound true at all i dont tell my friends this because they never believe me but in the end it was all settled .......then i started spawn killing her son again.
Random experiences from my stories of video games.
HumorJust some random situations on my video games.