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u sit there applyign your lightest foundation shade, daddy trump can't know ur secret:

you're actually a mexican but it okay because there's no wall yet and if daddy donald doesn't know then he can't send u back over there

you put foundation in your cooter area too because of the sexytimes tonight with donalb!!!1!!!1

how could you resist

his raggedy hair
his wrinkly orange skin
his whopping 2 centimeter peepee

he's everything you ever needed in a man he needs to tell you a secret this makes u think of ur secret

you finally get to him house which is the white house because he is the presdent but he orange not white but ollama was bron so

he pulls you onto the bed and kisses you right on your mouth!!! in real life!!!1!!!

he says "ok ready 4 my secret?"

you brace yourself because you get scared you think he knows you secret you almost cry but you can't you have to be strong for daddy ;)))

he goes to him closet and pulls out somethin big and fuzzy

"IM A FURRY X333" donald says with a grin you smile too because that is so sexy you want to yiff your daddy you love daddy donald even more now

he puts on him fursuit and you love it

he yiffs you but that doesn't cut it
you want more
you want voreeeeee

Donald Trump Smut: HIM.Where stories live. Discover now