He is everywhere

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  I stared at him, hard. I couldnt peel my eyes off him. He was actually here, infront of me. He was sitting on my chair looking at me. A small smile was on his face, he definitely remembers me. He stared at me intently as his traveled all over my body as if he's trying to see what has changed about me.

"Mina I will not repeat myself after this go take a seat next to kim taehyung!!"

I fliched at her words and sat next to him. I could feel his eyes on me and I purposely put my bag on my other side so I wont have to face him.

The teacher began talking and her voice suddenly seemed so far away. He had already gotten over the shock of seeing me, because he seemed calm which was the exact opposite of what I am feeling. I couldnt help but sneak glances at him every now and then.
At one point I saw him look at me while I was I openly staring at him. I looked away quickly to other side and saw that I wasnt the only one suffering because of him.

   All girls were staring dreamily at him. Guys were also looking at him, not the way the girls do but like they were trying to see what was so special about him that all girls practically swoon when he looks their way. Our teacher finished her lecture and left us to ourselves. Jen was behind me and I wanted to talk to her, but I cant with taehyung ten centimetres away from me.

"Long time Mina"

I jumped from his sudden voice, he didnt shout it out but I just couldnt help it. The way he said my name sent shivers down my spine. His voice was rough, not like the one he had years ago. He seems so......manly now....I just cant explain it. My name sounded unusually perfect coming from him. I nodded and looked at him.

"How are you-u?" I stuttered

He chuckled and leaned back on his chair which caused me to turn to face him.

"Good I guess"

What do I say now? Oh dear why now?

"How is being an idol?"

He smiled and said "nice"

Why the short words Taehyung? I have nothing to ask you now

The bell rang and I quickly stood up "Jen lets go we will be late to class"

She sighed "It's lunch time Mina"

Oh dear, I felt my shoulders fall and I began to hide my face from embarrassment.

I heard him chuckle and he stood up shaking his head. I looked at my friend and she was also laughing.

"Oh hyung there you are."

I looked around and saw Junkook at the door. I grinned and looked at Jen.
She was fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve. He came in and put his arm around Taehyung.

"Junkook this is Mina." He introduced me

Junkook's eyes widened for a moment as he saw between me and taehyung but he quickly masked his face to indifference. Does he know me?

"Lets not forget my friend Jen" I said

"Hello" junkook said as he tried to look at her face.

She kept her head down but I stepped on her foot so she looked up and stared at junkook with a sheepish grin on her face. "Hi"

I smiled and when I looked at Taehyung our eyes met. I looked away and picked up my bag. Jen followed suit, avoiding junkooks eye and left with me. Once we were outside I ran to the cafeteria and fell to the nearest chair. I covered my face in my arms and thought about taehyung

"If your gonna cry do it later, we have to get lunch"

"Jen he is actually here, I...I-"

"Yes yes Min he is in this school, are you gonna let him get to you? Stop making it so complicated. He probably forgot about it"

"Oh psh Jen be realistic, the last thing I said to him was I like you, of course he remembers our last day together!"

"Nevertheless your still acting like a child, man up" she said "I mean I saw you the entire time, you wouldnt take your eyes off him"

Jen knew I was right but she would never miss an opportunity to tease me. She was the type of bestfriend you sometimes want to strangle. I didnt want to talk about taehyung so I decided to talk about her fiasco.

"And how about you? You were literally shaking in front of him"

I laughed as I saw her red face. He was her favourite bts member and she would always be embarrassed infront of him. Especially after she had screamed at him.

"Who was shaking infront of who?"

    Jisoo and Mark came and sat down at our table. "Oh I was talking about Jens previous tantrum a while ago." Both of them didnt get it but Jen was trying to hold my mouth to keep me from talking. After wrestling with her I finally was able to tell them the story. They couldnt stop laughing while Jen was practically whining like a baby.

    Jen and I stood up to get our lunches with Jen still pouting.

"Oh suck it up" I said while snickering

Suddenly people from all around started pushing past us to the cafeteria door, I heard someone say Kim taehyung and I realised the students must have seen them come in. As the the boys moved past us Taehyung saw me and smiled at me, I waved and turned quickly from his eyes.

"Oh My God! Did you see that. He smiled at me, he smiled at me. Oh dear....should I ask him out?" Said a very squeaky voice

I looked behind me and saw a girl jumping up and down. Did she really think he smiled at her. Wow

There was a lot of crowd in the cafeteria because they were here and I truly dont know how we will handle it everyday for the rest of the school year.

    We decided to go to the library after lunch to be in a place where we could actually breathe and not be stuffed by a crowd of crazy fans. I dont blame them I would have probably done the same thing as them maybe except worse. If Taehyung and I didnt have an embarrassing past then i would be any running army chasing him all around the school.

As the crowd left from the cafeteria we slowly began our journey to the library. But we realized there was another crowd there too. We squeezed past through and we realized the doors to the library was locked. Crap. I looked through the mirror and saw taehyung and jungkook sitting at a table reading a book while a smile was on their faces

Really Tae? We all know you and him dont like reading books much and as far as my memory works you never went to a library

The librarian was at the door staring at how many students were trying to break down this door. She was clutching some books in her hand she kept looking between the two boys and the crowd. Guess the power of army had scared her. I found myself grinning despite being sandwiched by random girls. Taehyung and jungkook looked up and gazed at the girls outside. He found my face and winked at me. I smiled and shaked my head as I walked outside. This is going to be a very dramatic year.

Comment what you think please. ☺

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