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Imagine you , Zak the gac are having a Halloween party and he shows his costume and asks you if could help him with his makeup
So you do
Y/n:- do you want me to do your hair to.
Zak:- only if don't get white paint into it
You look at him shocked he never let's anyone do his hair.
Y/n:- ok I'll be careful I promise
Zak:- good I'm trusting you babe
Y.n:- I know I'll be careful let's start or we will be late
So you finish Zak's makeup
Zak:- do you want me to zip up your dress.
Y/n:- yes please thank you babe
You are both ready and go to the party you are dressed as a vampire and Zak is the PIC above
You all arrive at the party and start having some well deserved fun

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