In Oakland...

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Not many people like being alone or feeling lonely. There isn't anyone to support you, anyone to talk to, or anyone to do shit with. You're just by yourself. You and yourself only. Some people can't live with that, or simply live like that. I had people tell me that their solitude merely drove them insane, which I don't understand. I will never understand that; I cannot fathom how solitude will drive you up the wall. I don't mind being alone. Actually, I enjoy being alone. I like having a multitude of space to myself, and the ringing of silence in my ears.

But I do admit that when I am alone, I think about her. Her in Oakland.

Right now, I'm standing in my kitchen as my food warmed up in the microwave. I decided to finally eat the three-day old hibachi chicken in the back of my fridge. Just had a taste for it. Right now, she's sitting in her room, watching DVDs. Most likely old Disney movies. How do I know? It's 11 pm. It's Friday. I've known her long enough to know what she's doing at almost every minute and hour of each day. I also know because she tweeted it 12 minutes ago.

I fell onto my couch in the livingroom. I felt a vibration on my thigh and slid my phone out of my pocket. I smirked at the screen.

@gstunna tweeted: It's crazy how guys are more committed to sex than an actual commitment.

@gstunna tweeted: tell a guy you want a future then it turns out he won't be in it.

@gstunna tweeted: Fuck it. He'll realize what he did wrong sooner or later.

I chuckled to myself. She's at it again. This was, well, is one of my pet peeves about her. She could never find the courage to directly tell me how she feels, instead she goes on twitter and talks about it. She would rather inexplicitly post her problems for at least 2,000 strangers to see, instead of talking to me about our problems we need to solve together. So treated. On the plus side, I can see what's on her mind and what's a bother to her.

I scrolled through my contacts 'til I found her name. Nyla. I composed a message, typing out:

I'm driving up now

The microwave dinged and the tempting aroma of chicken hibachi filled the kitchen. I frowned at the sound of my stomach growling and the feeling of hunger rumbling in my stomach. I guess J would just have to grab something from McDonalds. I may never get around to eating that hibachi. I slipped on a jacket and felt in my pockets for my keys, but it wasn't there. I searched in 3 other jackets and found it in the third one. I left the house, got in my car, and started the engine up. I turned on my radio and

"Power 106! LA, it's ya girl, Yesi Ortiz. Got some brand-new music. I need y'all to turn it up and let me know what you think. It's Lloyd called "Oakland" on Power 106."

Before I turned the volume up any louder, I heard my phone go off. It was a text. I reached in my pocket for my phone.

From Nyla:


I tossed my phone in the passenger seat and shrugged. As I can see on her Twitter profile, she had some things to say to me. I was determined to get her to speak to me in person, and end this feud. Maybe we can get back together, or maybe not. The goal is to elaborate. I turned up the volume in the car and sped out of my driveway.

'Oakland' wasn't a bad song, really. This had to be the 5th time it's come on the radio this week. I knew the first two verses already, surprisingly. I find it so ironic that this song really fits my situation right now.

Oakland was a five hour drive from here. That's right, five. It's 11:23 already. There's no need of going to work tomorrow. I'll just use one of my sick days.

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