Pinned Down

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The guy moaned as I stared down at him. He was probably in a lot of pain. It served him right for spying on me.

"Why were you being a creeper looking through our windows? Huh?" I demanded. He said nothing, only snorted angrily at me through the weird black mask over his mouth.

"Speak, darn it!" I yelled down at him. He looked slightly afraid, his yellow-gold eyes wide and unblinking. He shook his head slowly, his perfectly arched eyebrows coming together in something like irritation. I frowned.

"Why not?" I asked, my voice hard and slightly annoyed.

"Mmm." He made a noise through the mask and began struggling against me, trying to get one of his hands free. I didn't let him, pressing my weight hard against his chest. The guy's arm dropped as the air was squished from his lungs. 

"Mmmph!" He made a more desperate sound and glanced at the night sky, seeming a little panicked. I followed his gaze and saw nothing. I looked back down at him. Was he crazy?

Something flashed in the corner of my eye. A notebook, bound in brown leather, had fallen out of the guy's man-purse. Still pinning him down, I reached for it, inching it towards me with my fingers. I grabbed it and opened it, and was blinded by a bright yellow flash. I gritted my teeth, blinking rapidly to try and rid the spots from my vision. Once I could kind of see, I looked at the notebook again and frowned. Words had appeared on the once blank page. I tried to read them, but the guy started freaking out once he saw the book. He kicked wildly, managing to wrench one of his arms free as he twisted beneath me.

He snatched the book from my grasp and threw me off him, scrambling to his feet and trying to quickly grab the things that fell from his bag. I swept his feet out from under him and slapped the remaining items across the yard, scattering them. The guy got up and ran for the trees, giving up on his equipment as he clutched the notebook to his chest and vaulted over the fence. I watched him go, knowing that I would never catch him.

I sighed and got up, brushing the grass from my clothes. I knew I had to call that guy in as soon as possible, but I looked through the things he left first. I poked around the strange items, inspecting each one carefully. One of them caught my eye; literally. As I picked up an object, a remote of some sort, a long antenna extended suddenly out of the top and jabbed me in the eye. I yelled in pain and dropped the thing, covering my eye with my hand. My fingers came away bloody, and I grimaced, picking up all of the items. I decided to take them with me. Who knew, maybe they'd be useful. I just hoped that weirdo wouldn't come back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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