Goodbye loneliness. Hello Yellow Flame

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A/N this is just a One shot that was requested by badtime1096 so here you go and I hope you all enjoy the story also slight OOC for some characters. As usual nothing but the story and Troy are mine hope you enjoy the story.

Your POV

I swear Troy needs to start acting like a leader instead of just disappearing for days on end *You thought angrily since Troy your Team leader for you and Neo just vanishes for unknown reasons but this time you and Neo were able to put a tracker on his Black Trench coat when he was in the shower much to Neo's glee so I'm just following the tracker into emerald forest for some reason no Grimm were around until you find a clearing to see Troy just standing on a pile of Grimm dust looking into the shattered moon longingly* Troy "I knew that I felt slightly heavier than normal so Y/N you found out what I'm doing at night which is simply put killing hundreds of Grimm that are trying to attack the school and then look at the sky." *I look at him cautiously he may be the leader but he has a violent tendency negative emotions from people he doesn't fully trust even though were team mates only Neo and Blake have been able to get close to him easily and him stay completely calm but those are the only two when Cardin go to close Troy nearly killed him in a blood rage it caused him to be banned from any class with more than him and the teacher unless Blake and Neo are there as well so he's almost never seen in the school but he is said to have the best grades in the entire school but is considered completely insane... He's right in front of me* you "Troy what are you doing you know your too dangerous to be near me" Troy "... I can't be a team leader so try to find a way to work with Neo sorry I can't help with the deaths of your parents." *my eyes widen in fear no one but Ozpin should know about that and even he doesn't know who died so how did he know* Troy "you can cover scars you can wear a fake smile but you can't hide the pain in your eyes no matter how hard you try to successfully hide that would mean you would have to keep your eyes closed for ever or find someone who can heal your currently burned Heart with gentle flames for I won't be able to do that for you so find the person who can at your own pace." *he disappeared and with such vague words even the tracker isn't working anymore... He used his semblance dang elemental control he must have burned it of or froze it off to get rid of it and then took off with the wind like he didn't just turn into a philosopher for a moment of time.... how did he know it was flames that killed my parents I told no one about that so how? * you "fucking hell Troy you're a Vague asshole."

Troy's POV

If only I could help more but the Grimm are very active tonight .... Salem why do you still hunt me down and Y/N down you caused him enough pain already *I see Blake and Neo why are they here the Grimm are to active tonight* Blake "Neo are you sure Troy is close by were in the forest getting close to the center without as much as a Beowulf being seen out here?" *you see a deathstalker about to stab them after Neo nods very Persistent about my location until they hear the deathstalker screech meaning it's about to attack only to turn around to see me holding a sword into its head for safe keeping cutting it clean off. * me "you two are fools for looking for me in this forest at night time it's too dangerous for the unprepared to enter at all so be careful and please go back to the dorms I'm used to this place so please hurry out of the forest."

Time skip brought to you by time crunched author

Yang's POV

Yang "so do you all have any clue on to where Troy has vanished to yet with Blake and Neo?" Y/N "no clue the last time saw Troy was about three months for Blake and Neo three weeks ago then nothing after that." *he continues to pick at his food from sadness and it was hurting me... His sad look...* am I in love? No, I'm just worried for a friend, right? *I see him stand up and start walking away only to see for a split second a bleeding wrist catching my attention* Is he cutting himself?!?! I must help him but how he's on his own his team leader has disappeared from the face of Remnant his other teammate disappeared with Blake from unknown problems... no don't think about that what did Troy tell me last time I saw him

Flashback Yang's POV

Troy "Yang I am very limited on time from this point forward I want you to keep Y/N safe from himself he wears a mask of happiness but his eyes only know that of pain so for his sake show him the path of Healing the near shattered heart it will take time so be the light of his darkness I have run out of time farewell Yang Xiao Long."

Flashback over

Damn Troy's vague but blunt but after spending this much time with Y/N Troy wasn't wrong even with each laugh he's had each smile his eyes showed a completely different outlook... I'll go talk with Y/N in his dorm. *as I walk to his now lonely dorm room and Open the door I freeze mid-sentence seeing him about to hang himself* Yang "hey Y/N I-!" *I tackle him from the rope and chair and hold him down*

Your POV

I'm finally going to do something right goodbye cruel word thanks for nothing *just as I was about to hang myself I hear my dorm room open to see Yang enter and then a Bunch of blonde hair and hear Yang yell in my ear* Yang "YOU IDIOT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" you quietly "just fixing a mistake in the world..." *she hugs you tighter than before* Yang "YOUR NOT A MISTAKE YOUR PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE YOU CAN HATE ME FOR THIS ALL YOU WANT LATER BUT FOR NOW YOU CAN LIVE WITH IT AND I WON'T LEAVE YOU ALONE TONIGHT!" you "what d-!!!" *your Interrupted by the school's bombshell Blonde kissing you passionately as you go wide eyes to relax into the kiss to kiss back happily actual happiness only to separate for air as yang speaks much quieter now* Yang "please hate me all you want but if you ever need someone to cry on just cry on me I won't judge you and I'll forever love so don't leave me for no reason continue your life..." *you lay there wide eyed and do something for the first time in years in front of anyone which is cry as she hugs you in a way you thought didn't exist anymore as she gently rubs your back lovingly for what seems like hours until you feel like your unable to cry anymore* Yang "Y/N I'll always be there for you in your darkest times to your best times so all I ask is that you stay with me for mine." *all you do is smile another genuine smile and kiss her deeply for just the sake of keeping her happy not wanting to see her go through your pain ever. *

Troy's POV

I see you've reached a point of Happiness Y/N be careful now like any fire its strong but fragile all it takes is one strong gust of wind to end one so protect it with the upmost care or you'll lose it... *quietly* Troy "Blake... Neo... why did you have to follow me... now it's going to be even harder to save you from her... I'll keep trying for years."

A/N and that's a wrap of this one shot could I make it into an actual story yes Will I maybe depends on what you all want me to do so until then Adios Amigos.


Yang X Depressed male reader (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now