Chapter 11

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he was lost in a haze. Everything was unreal. She was in a white room. Everything was white. From the walls to the bed and the linen on top of it.

Where was she? This was not her room. Where was her father?

Then she saw him. He was sleeping with his head at a crooked angle on a sofa on the opposite end of the room. She studied him awhile.

His dark hair falling lightly on his forehead, she realized then that she had never been angry at him. Had never harbored any bad feeling for him. This was the man she loved. The man who caused her pain and  happiness at the same time.

She shifted and gave a small grunt as a sharp pain pierced her on her side.

Luke stirred, opened his eyes and was immediately at her side.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he smoothed a lock of hair out of her face.

“What am l doing here” she croaked, her throat drying up.

“Here,” he said as he lifted her head and gave her a sip from the glass of water by the bedside, “rest now, you had a huge fright”

“Where’s my father?”

“He will be available to you as soon as you are feeling okay”

She tried sitting up and he rushed to assist her. As soon as she was seated comfortably she brushed his hand away. Being close to Luke at this time was not a good idea.

He seemed to take that gesture astride and went to sit on a chair next to the bed.

“l want to see him. Now!” she demanded.

“Alexa, you shouldn’t get worked up in your condition”

“I just want to see my father, l don’t think that’s too much to ask for”

“just relax a bit and when----”

“stop it! Just stop it! Stop telling me what to do about my life and if l want to see my family, l will!” she was fuming inside, who the hell died and made him king?

But then again, Luke Masters was a king in his own right. And with the attire he had on, he couldn’t be mistaken. The black shirt and slacks he had on did no justice to his well muscled, well toned body. His brown, silky hair clinging closely to his skull, the stubborn lock still falling foolishly on his forehead.

Alexa caught her thoughts before they cascaded into an unknown lane.

 Luke Masters was the enemy and forever shall!

She now stared defiantly into his green eyes and raised her eyebrow in question.

She saw that he wasn’t going to budge and drew in a slow and deep breath to steady herself.

“I’m not even allowed to see my own father? Why cant you just leave me alone, Luke? I even made it easy for you, just turn around and---”

she saw the way his eyes clouded over and she felt a small shiver run up her spine.

“l cant, Alexa, cant you see? Even if l wanted to, l wouldn’t, l couldn’t. Dammit Lexy, when were you going to tell me?, if ever!”

“you had no right to keep me prisoner in your place, Luke and if l wanted to leave l was free to” she added on a quiet note, “without informing you”

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