Chapter 1, A New World

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Lori fell face first into some bushes, hard.

Lori: "Ooow!"

It took a while for her to recover, but when she did, she screamed.

Lori: "What the- WHERE THE HECK AM I?!"

She was in the middle of a gigantic forest that was bordered around a dome. She noticed that the second she looked up.

Lori: "Why is this place all bordered up? Is it supposed to be protecting something?"

Lori walked around for a few minutes until she heard something.

*rustle rustle*

The sound reminded her of that coin. She looked at it in her hands.

*rustle rustle rustle*

It was coming from another bush, but it was moving more aggressively, like somebody was in there.

???: "GOT YOU!!"

A mysterious, not human-looking animal jumped at her and pushed her to the ground. It had brownish fur, a long, fluffy, tail, and some sharp teeth. It looked kind of like a cat, but somehow it can talk.

Lori: "Who are you?!?!"

???: "Oh, a human? How did you end up here?"

Lori: "Well, it's a long story-"

???: "No. There's no need to. Explain it to the boss."

Lori: "Boss? What's happening?"

???: "Haven't you heard? Some of his workers used his secret weapon to prevent their weapon from exploding the whole forest! Other workers think the workers' weapon was a bomb, and other's thought it was even worse. Personally, I have no idea what's happening, because I'm the guardian for this place."

Lori: "What's your name?"

???: "Zagorth."

Lori: "That's a nice name for a cat. I'm Lori."

Zagorth: "It doesn't matter now, because I'm NOT a cat. We have to get to the boss before he banishes me from the forest. Now move!"

Zagorth and Lori walked down a dirt path until they got to the place. It was kind of like a big bunker made of wood and moss. There were some guards at the front.

Zagorth: "Uh, I'm taking this girl to the boss so they can talk."

The guards didn't budge.

Zagorth: "Oh I forgot! Password is 'iron velotu!'" (Remember the password.)

Guard: "You may come in."

The guards opened the mossy door and led them inside. It looked more like a lab or factory than a forest bunker. Lori saw people working and making things she's never seen before.

Zagorth: "The boss's office is on the second floor. Now move!"

Lori and Zagorth walked down a hallway that led to an elevator on the second floor. Zagorth pressed some buttons with his paws and the elevator door opened. They both entered and waited for a while.

Lori: "Zagorth. I have a question."

Zagorth: "Fine. Spill it out."

Lori: "Where exactly are we? And what's outside of the dome?"

Zagorth: "That's 2 questions."

Lori: "But they kind of relate, do they?"

Zagorth: "Nobody exactly knows where we really are, but some think we're on Earth."

Lori: "Earth? Wait a minute, if we were on Earth, where are we on it?"

Zagorth: "I don't know. But when I got to the edge of the dome one day, there was a bunch of water and no land."

Lori: "So we're in the middle of the OCEAN?!"

Zagorth: "Oh, that's what you call them?  I don't learn that kind of stuff."

Soon enough, the elevator stopped and the door opened, revealing a large room with gazillions of file cabinets and one desk. Behind it was a tall guy with a grey suit on. Zagorth and Lori entered with worried looks on their faces.

Lori (whispering): "Is that the boss?"

Zagorth: "Yeah. The boss of this whole entire forest. Oh wait, he's about to say something"

Boss: "Who is this person right beside you, Zagorth?"

Zagorth: "Um, this is a human that I found in the middle of the forest. She doesn't want to say how (Lori: "YOU DIDN'T LET ME SAY IT!") she got here. She's not from around here."

Boss: "Human. Please tell me how you got here." 

Lori: U^U "Thank you. Um today, - I live in Arizona just so you know - I found a coin in the bushes. When I picked it up, it sucked me into it and I ended up here." 

Boss: "Wait a minute. Show me the coin."

Lori opened her hand and showed him the coin.

Boss: "What the- Zagorth! Do you see this?!"

Zagorth then looked at Lori's hand.

Zagorth: "Wha- how did you get this Lori?"

Lori: "I found it in some bushes."

Zagorth: "Do you KNOW what this is?!"

Lori: "Um, no. Of course I don't!"

Zagorth: "This is the ancient coin of Mashigulafith! He's the king of minds, and that is one of his special coins! It allows you to control minds! Do you know how powerful you are now?!"

Lori: "Woah! I can read minds?!"

Zagorth: "Even better. You can control or even destroy or heal them!"

Boss: "You could be the protector of the forest!"

Lori: "Wait a minute. Nobody said I had to be a protector! I have a home and a family!"

Zagorth: "There's no possible way to get out of here without dying!"

Lori: "But I got here without dying!"

Boss: "He's saying you got here safe, but you can't go back safely."

Zagorth: "If you do, the grand guardian will find you and kill you. And you don't want to mess with him."

Lori: "So I have to stay here?"

Zagorth: "Until further notice, I'm afraid so."

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