Chapter 1 (+Introduction..)

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I was (Y/n), the protector of the Alternative Universe. I was an origonal creation, not made by Ink . Instead, I was created by someone, though I didn't know who. I had many questions on who I was, and questions from others, but because I didn't know the answers, they finally stopped. For some reason, there were often voices in my head, helping me sometimes, but they were usually arguing and I keep telling them to shut the hell up . I usually get news from the head voices when Aus were destroyed, when to kick Error's nonexistent ass..
I have vibrant (F/c) wings for some unknown reason, and I can morph into sword form and start stabbing people.
Though I deny the preposterous accusations all the time, I AM NOT A TSUNDERE!

Present Day In (Y/n)'s House In Her Dimension~

"AIIIIGH!!!"(¥/Ω)!₩aKe UP!){JeEz....YoU dOn't HaVe tO be MeAn..}SHUT UP!

I literally woke up because of Voice1, but I know it might be for a reason. I quickly dressed into my normal attire, putting on my big (F/c) (Favorite Color ) sweater, black pants, and a fading (F/c) scarf. I slipped on my combat boots quite forcefully, and ran clumsily out of the house.
I paused. I needed to talk.

Now why did you wake me up?(There's an unknown entity in the Nightmare realm.)
And why would I go there?{To CHeCK It OuT StUpID}
"Fine. Just make sure to SHUT UP. Okay Bakas?" I said out loud.
I took my (F/w) (Favorite Weapon) and opened a portal to the Nightmare Realm.
If I get caught it's gonna be your fault.(We Will help you.... As per usual.){No wE WoN't}
Wow! Thanks so much for the support.
I fell on a pitch black floor with the thud of my boots.
I carefully faded to the color black.
HECK! The entire castle is pitch black and dark! I saw Nightmare dragging...
What the heck is that?
A fluffy Sans? Said Sans had light blue wings, a gem just below his chin, and a jacket that looked like royalty.
Strange. I never saw this Au Sans before .
Seems like I have to bust him out of here.
"Damn you Nightmare. Thank you for giving me a job so early." I whispered.
I quickly morphed into my sword form.

Abyss!Sans Pov

After a struggle over the book, Nightmare was sitting in front of me reading the book.
I was starting to get bored and looked around the place, trying to find an escape.
I heard a silent whisper, "Damn you Nightmare. Thank you for giving me a job so early."
I snorted silently. A (F/c)( Favorite Weapon) sword flew out of the pitch black and Nightmare almost got stabbed with it, nearly turning into a kebab and he barely dodged it. The sword clattered to the ground, but arose and continued to aim at Nightmare.
In the confusion and surprise, he dropped the book. The sword morphed into a hu-HOLD ON HOW THE FUCK CAN SHE DO THAT !
The human seemed to be female because of her voice, but I couldn't see what she looked like, because a (F/c) cloak was draped over her. Nightmare looked stunned for a second, but it faded quickly. "Hello puny protector.
What are you doing in MY dimension?"
"Hm...protecting the Au's, saving peoples' asses, rebuilding things, eating chocolate.
The air around the figure changed from quite tranquil to many degrees lower.
The figure morphed into a weapon again and charged, screaming out a loud battle cry.

(Timeskip Battle Cuz I'm Too Lazy)

The supposed protector eventually wore down Nightmare,but not without her tattered cloak and some scrapes. She shoved Nightmare as hard as she could, snatched the fallen book, grabbed me with one hand, and with a quick slice of her weapon, opened a portal. The human hopped through. I toppled to the floor with a groan. I looked at my surroundings. There was many sakura trees with petals falling slowly to the ground, mostly surrounding a big pond.
Many birds were chirping freely and it was bright.
A house was standing in front of the pond, where the sakura trees were few. The human grabbed my hands and dragged me there.On the way, she asked a question.
"What's your name?"
Should I tell her?
She saved me, so of course.
"The name's Abyss."She nodded.
"I'm (Y/n), you baka."


Edited 12/18/18

Edited 12/18/18

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It's Not Like I Like You(Abyss!Sans X AU!Tsundere!Protector Reader)Where stories live. Discover now