Chapter 4

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My face was probably as red as a fire truck and that's saying something because I never blush but this was an exception because it is extremely embarrassing I can't even remember what compelled me to write such a list. Max was still smirking at me and now he had the ultimate blackmail so I really needed to make sure we never spoke of this again but of course I was one step ahead so I knew exactly what to do.

" I can totally explain that but if you dare speak of this to anyone I will personally put the video of you ... On YouTube and both know it will be x10 more embarrassing for you . Okay so basically I made that list about a month after that night and I was really well um kinda horny so yeah plus I was curious about sex and well obviously from the list you can put two and two together . " I explained while the blush on my checks just intensified .

Max stared at me his mouth hanging open " Wait , you still have that video of me . I though I destroyed it ,okay I agree we never speak of any of this ever again . Deal ." Max held out his hand to shake on his deal I just smiled and kissed him lightly as a way of sealing the deal .

" Okay so now that we past that do you want to get some food " I was cut by the sound of the garage opening .

Oh shit , I should have told Max earlier but Theo my older brother was meant to come home today from collage to do his laundry ( because he doesn't want to waste money but in reality he is just to lazy to do it himself) now normally I wouldn't have a problem with Theo being home but he sort of blames Max for everything that happened . He knows what really happened that night so if he ever saw Max or Zayn's face again he would pummel them to the ground.

" Before you ask that's Theo and he hates you so you need to hide right now. " I whisper yell at Max and push him into my closet just before Theo walks into my bedroom .

" Hey sis , just wondering when mum and " Theo stops mid sentence and narrows his eyes suspiciously at me before scanning my room for anything out of the ordinary .

" Who's the guy " Theo asks , his eyes are narrowed on Max's clothes which are on my bed . Crap , think quick .

" Um there's no guy , what makes you think that is it because of the clothes on my bed , well you see those are actually your clothes . Yeah I have a concert at school and I'm a guy so I just found some of your old clothes to borrow so I can get into character . " I explain in one quick breath .

Theo relaxes which means he actually buys it , wow is he that gullible well it's fine with me. Just as I'm about to ask want he needed from me , the loudest sneeze I have ever heard erupts from my cupboard . Are you fucking kidding me right now .

Theo matches towards my closet and yanks it open to reveal Max with a bunch of my bras in his hand . At first you can see Theo doesn't recognize Max but then of course Max must open his mouth.

" Theo , my man long time no see , it's me Max no hard feeling right . I was " Max carried on rambling absolute nonsense until I had to personally tell him to shut the hell up.

" Okay Theo , before you beat him up just know that he is trying to save my life because apparently some mother fucker wants to kill me , speaking of which I'm going to be leaving town for awhile and I need you to cover for me with mum and dad . " I ranted but was cut of by Theo shocking words.

" Fine , I get it you guys went through some hectic shit and I wasn't there to help you before but I'm here now so I'm coming with you. But just try not to suck each other's face off in front of me ," Theo ended with a sigh.

Well that went better than expected .

The evening carried on with Max explaining our plan to Theo and us sorting out any potential bumps in the road .

At 10:00 there was a knock at the door , I had a sinking feeling as I neared my way to the door . I opened it to see a single note lying on the ground .

I'm watching you , sweetie.

- your killer

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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