'Talk for me.'

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Once I ran up to her she looked up too me I could see her whole life in her eyes.

"Come on." I say she jumps then looks up too me, she reluctantly puts her arms around my neck and I pick her up bridal style, walking away to the woods where my hunters and others are waiting. I walk us through the woods while I watch my mate the whole time her little body is bruised and I know if I touch her the wrong way it will hurt.

"Hey stay awake." I say to her she looks to me her eyes opening and closing. We get to the pack house and she just passed out I raced her to the infirmary they take her away from me but I do not leave the room no one is gonna take me away from her. It took a couple hours for the doctors to be able to help her, and cover all the wounds worst of all they said they could not find a vein it took forever.

"Alpha lets talk outside and let her sleep." The doctor says I look over to my mate before nodding and walking out the room, my beta and sister are sitting waiting for me.

"Anything." My little sister ran to me I picked her up and hugged her, she is my sister and I missed the life out of her.

"I missed you." I whisper to her.

"I missed you too." She said I kissed her cheek, she laid her head shoulder.

"Lets talk about my mate." I say to the doctor.

"Ah yes she has major bruises, scaring, all of her ribs except for two are broken, she needs to be on bed rest for at least a month to heal fully. Also the drugs they were giving her were a mixture of wolfs band and another drug? That I can not identify but I did send a sample of her blood too the lab." The doctor said to me I nodded trying to contain my wolf.

"Alpha may we speak alone?" The doctor ask me I nod and hand my sister to my beta who is also he is her mate but that is another story. I follow the doctor back to my mate room we walked in and walked to my mate.

"You see these?" He says pointing to her arms.

"How can I miss them." I say brushing my finger across all the marks.

"Alpha I am sorry to tell you that our Luna was forced into using the drugs, but now she is addicted to them. Do you know how long she was with them?" He ask me.

"No I do not even know her name, she does not talk." I say to him he nods and writes in his board.

"Well like I said we sent her blood to the lab so we can find out who she is, and if she's in the system they will have her blood." He says too me I nod and look to my mate.

"Also getting her clean is gonna be a horrible situation for you and her, she will be mad, sad, angry, throwing up and she will be in pain, lots of pain." He says to me I look to him.

"I know my beta said he can watch the pack for a week I will be with her, if she wants me too of course." I say to the doctor he nods and walks out, I look down to my sleeping mate then I walk out the room to speak with my beta, and sister.




I open my eyes and I am hit with the brightest lights in the world, it takes me a while to get use to seeing things I see I am in a hospital bed, I am bandage up. I try to stand but my legs feel like jello I look to my arms and see a needle sticking out of it I look up and see it is not the drugs that get me high they are fixing my body.

'Go slow.' the voice says I know that voice it seems like I heard it before.

'Its me I am so sorry I could not heal or help the wolfs band made me a statue.' The voice said again I Ignored it and started to walk to the bathroom, then I felt it I started to barf and it hurt as it was coming out, I scurried back into the room and grabbed the blanket the bed was entirely too hot, so I sat down on the floor in the corner of the room and I put the blanket around me and I felt it something I have not felt in years. Safe, wrapped in the blanket, in the corner. I am starring at the wall I know my mate will reject me, who wants a rouge, stripper, addict as a mate.

"You okay." I hear the voice and jump a little.

"Shit sorry." He says I just look to him starring into his big blue eyes I start to reach my hand up he watches my hand intently, I reached my hand till my fingers brush against his chin I start to feel the tingles in my hand and then through my whole body I rub his jaw and trace his face he sits down in front of me and just looks into my eyes, I traced his chin, then to his cheek and too his lips I brush my finger across his lips he close his eyes and suck in a breath.

"My name is Xavier." He says to me I just look to him not sure if I know how to say my name.

"Can you talk?" He ask me I shake my head 'no' too him.

"He said you use to be able to talk?" He asked I nod my head.

"Can you try to talk to me?" He ask with a little voice one I am not sure I heard an alpha use before.

"Say what I say okay." He says to me I nod my head again.

"My." He said I went to open my mouth nothing came out.

"Thats okay try again." He says I nod my head and again try but nothing comes out.

"My name is." He says this time, I open my mouth and move my lips nothing comes out not even a squeak.

"Come on you can do it. Hello my name is." He says to me I nod taking a deep breath.

"Hello my name is Leslie." And his smiles grew bigger then mine does.


Word count: 1122

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