Part One

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Some may think I'm evil, but in reality, I choose to live by my own set of rules.  And Pine Lakes is the perfect place for me.  Living here is akin to living in a gilded cage.  Only the most entitled and privileged live here.  A neighborhood of unsuspecting strangers and neighbors.  Each family living their own lives, trying keep up with the Joneses, even though they've long surpassed the Joneses.  

Each child spends their time studying, playing sports, dancing or with the caretaker of the season.  The parents work long hours leave at dawn, driving their Mercedes S-Class and arriving home long after the children are tucked snug into their beds.  The lawns are kept manicured by the neighborhood lawn association and at first sight, everything is perfect.  

Perfection. That's my job.  

As a developer of elite masterplanned communities, I create dream homes and territories where the upper-class can reside with class and grace.  

It is simple.  
Behind gates and walls, people feel safe.  In order to design what the upper echelon wants, I start with a wall and gates.  Everything else feels like gravy after that.  

Pine Lakes is unique in it's location and setting.  Sitting at the base of the mountains, the gate to the neighborhood includes a large gate house on each side with a sitting room above the drive connecting the two seemingly independent properties.  To the left is a two story, gothic style, cottage with a steeply pitched, black roof.  Built out of stone the monstrosity is menacing.  The pointed arches are deep set and blend in with the dark color of the structure and the turret stands tall amongst the dark olive green roof.  The right is an exact replica of the left. 

The house features living quarters on one side and a security monitoring station on the other.  This allows me to live in peace while keeping a close eye on the security of the neighborhood and the comings and goings of the residents.  I've never been one to trust easily and I keep both my employees and enemies close.

The black iron gate, below the sitting room is a ominous structure that swings inward.   Either an electronic opener the owners possess or via the security monitoring station.  All visitors must be on an approved access list prior to entering, which provides the illusion of safety.  

There are only two ways into Pine Lakes.  Through the main gate and through the back gate, which is generally used for movers and service personnel.  To enter the back gate, the residents must request assistance from security prior to any scheduled service and a member of the staff escort the service technician until they have exited the property.  

As the developer of the neighborhood I know all of the nooks and crannies of each house, lake, tree and park inside the walls.  I have interviewed and vetted all the residents and the security personnel.  Not one person resides or enters the walls of Pine Lakes that I haven't approved or requested a background check on.  

That's right.  
When the residents children need a nanny or want someone to sleep over, the prospective interlopers name is provided to security and a background check is completed.  This allows the parents to have an element of security that the person who is interviewing or visiting their home isn't a homicidal maniac.  

You probably think I'm being dramatic, but I promise you, when the residents are one percenters, we are a one stop shop.  Safety is paramount.  And paranoia runs rampant.  

Today is the last day of school for the children.  This means that there will be more than normal security checks to complete in the coming weeks because the children will need to be entertained for the summer.  

In normal families, the parents would be involved in this process.  In Pine Lakes, the help will take care of the schedule.  Because the parents can't be bothered.  They have work to take care of, not children.  

This will be the summer of change for the residents of Pine Lakes.  I can feel it.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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